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Implications of the E-selectin S128R mutation for drug discovery
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 2770112
Author(s) Preston, Roland C.; Rabbani, Said; Binder, Florian P. C.; Moes, Suzette; Magnani, John L.; Ernst, Beat
Author(s) at UniBasel Ernst, Beat
Rabbani, Said
Preston, Roland
Binder, Florian
Moes, Suzanne
Year 2014
Title Implications of the E-selectin S128R mutation for drug discovery
Journal Glycobiology
Volume 24
Number 7
Pages / Article-Number 592-601
Keywords E-selectin, selectin antagonists, single-nucleotide polymorphism, sLe(x) mimic, S128R
Abstract The C-type lectin E-selectin mediates the rolling of circulating leukocytes on vascular endothelial cells during the inflammatory process. In numerous studies, the S128R mutation of the E-selectin was associated with cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases. There is evidence that the S128R E-selectin mutation leads to a loss in ligand specificity, thus increasing leukocyte recruitment. Apart from the natural tetrasaccharide ligand sialyl Lewis(x) (sLe(x)), it has previously been proposed that non-fucosylated carbohydrates also bind to S128R E-selectin. To evaluate the therapeutic potential of the antagonism of the E-selectin mutant, ligand specificity was reinvestigated on a molecular basis. We determined the ligand specificity of wild-type and S128R E-selectin in a target-based competitive assay, a glycan array screen and cell-based binding assays under static and flow conditions. Regarding ligand-specificity, the binding properties of S128R E-selectin were identical to those of wt E-selectin, i.e., no mutant-specific binding of 3'-sialyl-N-acetyllactosamine, heparin, fetuin and K562 cells was observed. Additionally, the binding affinities of glycomimetic E-selectin antagonists were identical for wt and S128R E-selectin. Overall, the previous reports on carbohydrate ligand promiscuity of S128R E-selectin could not be confirmed.
Publisher Oxford University Press
ISSN/ISBN 0959-6658 ; 1460-2423
Full Text on edoc Available
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1093/glycob/cwu026
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000337032500002
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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