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Manipulation of the nuclear spin ensemble in a quantum dot with chirped magnetic resonance pulses
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 2759196
Author(s) Munsch, Mathieu; Wüst, Gunter; Kuhlmann, Andreas V.; Xue, Fei; Ludwig, Arne; Reuter, Dirk; Wieck, Andreas D.; Poggio, Martino; Warburton, Richard J.
Author(s) at UniBasel Poggio, Martino
Munsch, Mathieu
Wüst, Gunter Johannes
Kuhlmann, Andreas
Xue, Fei
Warburton, Richard
Year 2014
Title Manipulation of the nuclear spin ensemble in a quantum dot with chirped magnetic resonance pulses
Journal Nature Nanotechnology
Volume 9
Number 9
Pages / Article-Number 671-675
Keywords excitation, nmr, noise, Polarization, spectroscopy
Abstract The nuclear spins in nanostructured semiconductors play a central role in quantum applications(1-4). The nuclear spins represent a useful resource for generating local magnetic(5) fields but nuclear spin noise represents a major source of dephasing for spin qubits(2,3). Controlling the nuclear spins enhances the resource while suppressing the noise. NMR techniques are challenging: the group III and V isotopes have large spins with widely different gyromagnetic ratios; in strained material there are large atom-dependent quadrupole shifts(6); and nanoscale NMR is hard to detect(7,8). We report NMR on 100,000 nuclear spins of a quantum dot using chirped radiofrequency pulses. Following polarization, we demonstrate a reversal of the nuclear spin. We can flip the nuclear spin back and forth a hundred times. We demonstrate that chirped NMR is a powerful way of determining the chemical composition, the initial nuclear spin temperatures and quadrupole frequency distributions for all the main isotopes. The key observation is a plateau in the NMR signal as a function of sweep rate: we achieve inversion at the first quantum transition for all isotopes simultaneously. These experiments represent a generic technique for manipulating nanoscale inhomogeneous nuclear spin ensembles and open the way to probe the coherence of such mesoscopic systems.
Publisher Nature Publishing Group
ISSN/ISBN 1748-3387 ; 1748-3395
Full Text on edoc Restricted
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1038/NNANO.2014.175
ISI-Number WOS:000341814400007
Document type (ISI) Article

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