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The long run dynamics of heterogeneous product and process innovations for a multi product monopolist
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 2743170
Author(s) Bondarev, Anton
Author(s) at UniBasel Bondarev, Anton
Year 2012
Title The long run dynamics of heterogeneous product and process innovations for a multi product monopolist
Journal Economics of Innovation and New technology
Volume 21
Number 8
Pages / Article-Number 775-799
Keywords product innovations, process innovations, economic dynamics, multi-product onopoly, heterogeneous products
Abstract This paper introduces the dynamical framework which combines product and process innovations. The model contributes to the theoretical literature on innovations in two ways. First, it permits for the simultaneous dynamics of both types of innovations which is rarely considered in the literature. Second, the products being generated by the innovations are heterogeneous in their investment characteristics. This allows for the formation of the dynamic interdependency between both types of innovations. As a result, the steady-state levels of process innovations for each product are different and influence the dynamics of product innovations in turn.
Publisher Taylor&Francis
ISSN/ISBN 1043-8599
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1080/10438599.2012.670543

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