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Substantial SNP-based heritability estimates for working memory performance
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 2714677
Author(s) Vogler, C.; Gschwind, L.; Coynel, D.; Freytag, V.; Milnik, A.; Egli, T.; Heck, A.; de Quervain, D. J.-F.; Papassotiropoulos, A.
Author(s) at UniBasel Papassotiropoulos, Andreas
Gschwind, Leo
Vogler, Christian
de Quervain, Dominique
Heck, Angela
Egli, Tobias
Coynel, David
Freytag, Virginie
Milnik, Annette
Year 2014
Title Substantial SNP-based heritability estimates for working memory performance
Journal Translational psychiatry
Volume 4
Number Adolescent; Adult; Endophenotypes; Female; Genome-Wide Association Study; Humans; Male; Memory, Short-Term, physiology; Neuropsychological Tests, statistics & numerical data; Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide, genetics; Psychometrics; Reaction Time, genetics; Young Adult
Pages / Article-Number e438
Mesh terms Adolescent; Adult; Endophenotypes; Female; Genome-Wide Association Study; Humans; Male; Memory, Short-Term, physiology; Neuropsychological Tests, statistics & numerical data; Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide, genetics; Psychometrics; Reaction Time, genetics; Young Adult
Abstract Working memory (WM) is an important endophenotype in neuropsychiatric research and its use in genetic association studies is thought to be a promising approach to increase our understanding of psychiatric disease. As for any genetically complex trait, demonstration of sufficient heritability within the specific study context is a prerequisite for conducting genetic studies of that trait. Recently developed methods allow estimating trait heritability using sets of common genetic markers from genome-wide association study (GWAS) data in samples of unrelated individuals. Here we present single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based heritability estimates (h(2)SNP) for a WM phenotype. A Caucasian sample comprising a total of N=2298 healthy and young individuals was subjected to an N-back WM task. We calculated the genetic relationship between all individuals on the basis of genome-wide SNP data and performed restricted maximum likelihood analyses for variance component estimation to derive the h(2)SNP estimates. Heritability estimates for three 2-back derived WM performance measures based on all autosomal chromosomes ranged between 31 and 41%, indicating a substantial SNP-based heritability for WM traits. These results indicate that common genetic factors account for a prominent part of the phenotypic variation in WM performance. Hence, the application of GWAS on WM phenotypes is a valid method to identify the molecular underpinnings of WM.
Publisher Nature Publishing Group
ISSN/ISBN Adolescent; Adult; Endophenotypes; Female; Genome-Wide Association Study; Humans; Male; Memory, Short-Term, physiology; Neuropsychological Tests, statistics & numerical data; Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide, genetics; Psychometrics; Reaction Time, genetics; Young Adult
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1038/tp.2014.81
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000344827000008
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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