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Structural and dynamic properties of post-embryonic gene regulatory networks in Drosophila.
Third-party funded project
Project title Structural and dynamic properties of post-embryonic gene regulatory networks in Drosophila.
Principal Investigator(s) van Nimwegen, Erik
Project Members Kelley, Nicholas William
Organisation / Research unit Departement Biozentrum / Bioinformatics (van Nimwegen)
Project start 01.01.2010
Probable end 30.12.2013
Status Completed

Gene regulatory networks (GRNs) play a vital role in metazoan development and function. They are composed of interactions between genomic (i.e. regulatory elements) and regulatory state components (i.e. transcription factors (TFs)).

We undertake interdisciplinary approach, combining expertise from three scientific groups, to study at an unprecedented scale and depth the structural and dynamic properties of GRNs in Drosophila imaginal discs.

The project is based on three recent experimental advances:

  1. the availability of a comprehensive Drosophila TF clone resource;
  2. the ability to generate in a high-throughput fashion transgenic Drosophila lines such that expression of tagged TFs occurs from the same chromosomal location; and
  3. the development of high-throughput sequencing techniques to analyze transcriptional events on a genome-wide, but still highly detailed scale.

Combined, these advances now make it possible, for the first time, to determine the genome-wide DNA-binding profiles for each TF in a post-embryonic organism and relate these binding events to gene regulation.

Keywords drosophila, gene regulatory networks, GRN, transcription factor,
Financed by Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

Published results ()

  ID Autor(en) Titel ISSN / ISBN Erschienen in Art der Publikation
2836807  Schertel, Claus; Albarca, Monica; Rockel-Bauer, Claudia; Kelley, Nicholas W.; Bischof, Johannes; Hens, Korneel; van Nimwegen, Erik; Basler, Konrad; Deplancke, Bart  A large-scale, in vivo transcription factor screen defines bivalent chromatin as a key property of regulatory factors mediating Drosophila wing development  1088-9051  Genome research  Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift) 

Cooperations ()

  ID Kreditinhaber Kooperationspartner Institution Laufzeit - von Laufzeit - bis
2338023  van Nimwegen, Erik  Furlong, Eileen  EMBL, Heidelberg  01.01.2013  31.12.2020 

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