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Finding their voices again : a media project offers a floor for vulnerable patients, clients and the socially deprived
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 2310122
Author(s) Stutzki, Ralf; Weber, Markus; Reiter-Theil, Stella
Author(s) at UniBasel Reiter-Theil, Stella
Stutzki, Ralf
Weber, Markus
Year 2013
Title Finding their voices again : a media project offers a floor for vulnerable patients, clients and the socially deprived
Journal Medicine, health care and philosophy
Volume 16
Number 4
Pages / Article-Number 739-50
Keywords Medical ethics, Media ethics, DU bist Radio, DBR, Patient participation, Vulnerable groups, Aidos, Patient rights, Patient discrimination

'DU bist Radio' (DBR) is an award winning [DBR has been awarded with the "Catholic Media Award of the German Bishops Conference, Prädikat WERTvoll" (2011), the Suisse "Media Prize Aargau/Solothurn" (2010), the German "Alternative Media Award" (2009) and was nominated for the "Prix Europa" (2009)] monthly radio format that goes on air on three Swiss radio stations. The purpose of this program which was first broadcast in 2009 is the development of a new media format which--without applying any journalistic (or other) filter and influence--conveys authenticity of expression amongst society's most vulnerable fellow citizens such as patients, clients and the socially deprived. So-called marginal groups are encouraged to speak for themselves, as a possible paradigm case for encouraging the inclusion of patients' and relatives' "unfiltered" voices in general and in clinical ethics as well. Before handing over the microphone to the groups in focus, a team of journalists, educated in medical ethics, over a period of 4 days, teaches them on-site radio skills and craft. Once this task is completed and the actual production of the broadcast begins, the media crew does not exert any influence whatsoever on the content of the 1-h program. Thus, the final product is solely created and accounted for by the media-inexperienced participants, leading to unforeseen and often surprising results. It is discussed that the DBR approach of fostering authenticity of expression can serve as an enhancement to today's respect and autonomy oriented field of medical ethics.

Publisher Kluwer Academic
ISSN/ISBN 1386-7423
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1007/s11019-013-9468-2
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000327128500014
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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