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Cooling, Amplification, and Lasing in the reversed dissipation regime of cavity
Third-party funded project
Project title Cooling, Amplification, and Lasing in the reversed dissipation regime of cavity
Principal Investigator(s) Bruder, Christoph
Nunnenkamp, Andreas
Organisation / Research unit Departement Physik / Theoretische Physik (Bruder)
Project start 01.11.2013
Probable end 31.12.2014
Status Completed

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Cavity optomechanical phenomena, e.g. cooling, amplification or optomechanically-induced transparency, emerge due a stark imbalance between the dissipation rates of the optical and mechanical degrees of freedom. However, it has been an unquestioned assumption that the mechanical damping rate is much smaller than optical dissipation rate.

Our goal is to investigate the regime of reversed dissipation hierarchy where the mechanical damping rate is much larger than the optical line width. We will show that this regime can be exploited for cooling and amplifying microwave signals and leads to novel lasing phenomena. The project will be carried out in close collaboration with the group of Tobias Kippenberg, in particular between Andreas Nunnenkamp (Basel) and Vivishek Sudhir (EPFL).

Financed by Other sources

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