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The taxonomically relevant parts of the male genitalia of Cochlicopa: seasonal variability within two field populations and observations under laboratory conditions (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Cochlicopidae)
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 2257636
Author(s) Armbruster, Georg F. J.
Author(s) at UniBasel Armbruster, Georg
Year 1994
Title The taxonomically relevant parts of the male genitalia of Cochlicopa: seasonal variability within two field populations and observations under laboratory conditions (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Cochlicopidae)
Journal Malakologische Abhandlungen
Volume 17
Number 1-9
Pages / Article-Number 47-56
Abstract Variability of the appendix and epiphallus of four taxa of Cochlicopa were studied. Only conchologically fully grown specimens were investigated. The four taxa belong to two well established conchological groups: 1) C. lubrica (O. F. MULLER, 1774) and C. repentina HUDEC, 1960, and 2) C. nitens (GALLENSTEIN, 1848) and "Cochlicopa species nova" (see FALKNER, 1992). The members of each group are conchologically indistinguishable. Within both groups, taxa only can be distinguished by their appendix- and epiphallus-structures. The first taxon within a group exhibits "lubrica" genitalia; the second "repentina" genitalia. Specimens from two localities in South Germany were studied: 1) a locality, where C. lubrica and C. repentina co-occur, and 2) a locality, where C. nitens and "Cochlicopasp. n." occur together. Gradual transitions between the "repentina" types and the "lubrica" types could be found in both localities. It is suggested that switching between "repentina" and "lubrica" types is possible during different seasons and/or under different ecological conditions. Furthermore, it is assumed that "lubrica" types and "repentina" types are more likely individual anatomical forms than constant character-states of separate taxa. C. repentina and "Cochlicopa sp. n." are strongly suspected to be only modified forms of C. lubrica and of C. nitens, respectively.
Publisher Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde Dresden
ISSN/ISBN 0070-7260
Full Text on edoc No
ISI-Number BCI:BCI199598141008
Document type (ISI) Article

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