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Simulated bottlenecks and loss of rare alleles : implications on the conservation genetics of two gastropod species
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 2250830
Author(s) Armbruster, Georg; Pfenninger, Markus
Author(s) at UniBasel Armbruster, Georg
Year 2003
Title Simulated bottlenecks and loss of rare alleles : implications on the conservation genetics of two gastropod species
Journal Journal for nature conservation
Volume 11
Number 2
Pages / Article-Number 77-81
Keywords Evolutionary potential, mating system, rare alleles, Xerocrassa, Cochlicopa
Abstract In this research note we simulate the effect of two mating systems (outcrossing vs. self-fertilisation) on the distribution and loss of rare alleles in populations exposed to a severe bottleneck. For example, with b = 0.05 (frequency of the rare allele in the initial population) and 50 surviving individuals the probability of losing the rare allele is 0.5% in an outcrossing population. In the self-fertilising population the probability is fifteen times higher (7.5%). As the breeding system in connection with bottlenecks has a crucial impact on the maintenance of genetic variability in a population we conclude that endangered land snails reproducing by self-fertilisation should receive more attention for conservation issues. Two co-occurring land snails of the Red List of Germany, Xerocrassa geyeri (an outcrossing species) and Cochlicopa lubricella (a self-fertilising species), are used to exemplify the effects. The findings are discussed with respect to the land snails of Vertigo. Four Vertigo species are considered in an European Council Directive to have a special conservation status, but their mating system and levels of genetic variability have not yet been investigated in depth. It is suggested that research on reproductive behaviour and genetic variability in Vertigo snails is urgently needed.
Publisher Elsevier
ISSN/ISBN 1617-1381
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1078/1617-1381-00019
ISI-Number WOS:000208977400001
Document type (ISI) Article

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