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Coherent and incoherent π⁰ photoproduction from the deuteron
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 169792
Author(s) Siodlaczek, U; Achenbach, P; Ahrens, J; Annand, JRM; Arends, HJ; Beck, R; Bilger, R; Clement, H; Hejny, V; Kotulla, M; Krusche, B; Kuhr, V; Leukel, R; McGeorge, JC; Metag, V; Novotny, R; de Leon, VO; Rambo, F; Schepkin, M; Schmidt, A; Seluzhenkov, I; Stroher, H; Wagner, GJ; Walcher, T; Weiss, J; Wissmann, F; Wolf, M
Author(s) at UniBasel Krusche, Bernd
Year 2001
Title Coherent and incoherent π⁰ photoproduction from the deuteron
Journal The European physical journal. A, Hadrons and nuclei
Volume 10
Number 3
Pages / Article-Number 365-371

Differential cross-sections for the reactions d(gamma,pi (o))d and d(gamma,pi (o))pn have been measured at MAMI with the TAPS detector setup in the energy range 140 MeV < E- < 306 MeV. By use of the Glasgow tagging spectrometer an 0.8 MeV energy resolution for photons incident on the target was achieved. The (o) missing energy resolution was sufficient for a reliable separation of coherent and incoherent channels. The data for the break-up channel exhibit very strong final state interaction effects, whereas the observed angular dependence of the inclusive process d(gamma, pi (o))X is in quantitative agreement with predictions for a quasi-free process. The observed absolute d(gamma, pi (o))X cross-sections, on, the other hand, are significantly smaller than predicted by the quasi-free process for E-gamma greater than or similar to 250 MeV. Associating this failure with the pi (o) photoproduction on the neutron would suggest that its cross-section is up to 25% below the presently believed value.

Publisher Springer-Verlag
ISSN/ISBN 1434-6001
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1007/s100500170120
ISI-Number WOS:000169744000013
Document type (ISI) Article
Additional Information Variant title: Coherent and incoherent pi(0) photoproduction from the deuteron

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