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Proton chemical shift imaging, metabolic maps, and single voxel spectroscopy of glial brain tumors
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 153018
Author(s) Mader, I; Roser, W; Hagberg, G; Schneider, M; Sauter, R; Seelig, J; Radue, E W; Steinbrich, W
Author(s) at UniBasel Seelig, Joachim
Year 1996
Title Proton chemical shift imaging, metabolic maps, and single voxel spectroscopy of glial brain tumors
Journal Magma
Volume 4
Number 2
Pages / Article-Number 139-50
Keywords proton, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, chemical shift imaging, glial tumor, myoinositol, glycine
Abstract Seventeen patients with presumed glial brain tumors were examined with proton chemical shift imaging and single voxel spectroscopy that used different echo times. Metabolite resonances were evaluated by metabolic ratios and absolutely by correcting for coil load and comparison to phantom measurements. Metabolic images were created to visualize the metabolic changes. All patients showed spectra that were different from those measured in healthy control subjects. Spectral changes were also present in normal-appearing matter (NAM) that was distant from lesions. The resonance at 3.55 ppm which is usually assigned to both myo-inositol and glycine, was the only one to allow a discrimination between healthy volunteers, astrocytoma grade II, and glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) (p < 0.02). From the different echo times used we conclude that an increase in this resonance has to be assigned to glycine rather than myo-inositol. This resonance might be used to grade human gliomas more reliably. Total creatine (Cr) decreased more drastically with malignancy than N-acetylated metabolites (NA). This led to a higher NA/Cr ratio in GBM compared to astrocytoma grade II. NA/Cr was thus pseudonormal in GBM due to a change in both nominator and denominator. This study reveals the importance of comparing magnetic resonance spectroscopy data of lesions to spectra measured in identical localizations in healthy control subjects instead of NAM and the importance of quantifying single metabolic peaks instead of creating metabolic ratios in clinical magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Publisher Bode
ISSN/ISBN 0176-7208
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1007/BF01772521
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:A1996VF86000007
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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