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Silencing and innate immunity in plant defense against viral and non-viral pathogens
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 1528758
Author(s) Zvereva, Anna S; Pooggin, Mikhail M
Author(s) at UniBasel Zvereva, Anna
Pooggin, Mikhail
Year 2012
Title Silencing and innate immunity in plant defense against viral and non-viral pathogens
Journal Viruses
Volume 4
Number 11
Pages / Article-Number 2578-97
Keywords silencing, innate immunity, pattern-triggered immunity, effector-triggered immunity, siRNA, miRNA, plant antiviral defense, Cauliflower mosaic virus, silencing suppressor, avirulence protein

The frontline of plant defense against non-viral pathogens such as bacteria, fungi and oomycetes is provided by transmembrane pattern recognition receptors that detect conserved pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), leading to pattern-triggered immunity (PTI). To counteract this innate defense, pathogens deploy effector proteins with a primary function to suppress PTI. In specific cases, plants have evolved intracellular resistance (R) proteins detecting isolate-specific pathogen effectors, leading to effector-triggered immunity (ETI), an amplified version of PTI, often associated with hypersensitive response (HR) and programmed cell death (PCD). In the case of plant viruses, no conserved PAMP was identified so far and the primary plant defense is thought to be based mainly on RNA silencing, an evolutionary conserved, sequence-specific mechanism that regulates gene expression and chromatin states and represses invasive nucleic acids such as transposons. Endogenous silencing pathways generate 21-24 nt small (s) RNAs, miRNAs and short interfering (si) RNAs, that repress genes post-transcriptionally and/or transcriptionally. Four distinct Dicer-like (DCL) proteins, which normally produce endogenous miRNAs and siRNAs, all contribute to the biogenesis of viral siRNAs in infected plants. Growing evidence indicates that RNA silencing also contributes to plant defense against non-viral pathogens. Conversely, PTI-based innate responses may contribute to antiviral defense. Intracellular R proteins of the same NB-LRR family are able to recognize both non-viral effectors and avirulence (Avr) proteins of RNA viruses, and, as a result, trigger HR and PCD in virus-resistant hosts. In some cases, viral Avr proteins also function as silencing suppressors. We hypothesize that RNA silencing and innate immunity (PTI and ETI) function in concert to fight plant viruses. Viruses counteract this dual defense by effectors that suppress both PTI-/ETI-based innate responses and RNA silencing to establish successful infection.

Publisher MDPI
ISSN/ISBN 1999-4915
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.3390/v4112578
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000311429900008
Document type (ISI) Journal Article, Review

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