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Organisation multimodale de la parole-en-interaction: pratiques incarnées d’introduction des référents
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 1517214
Author(s) Mondada, Lorenza
Author(s) at UniBasel Mondada, Lorenza
Year 2012
Title Organisation multimodale de la parole-en-interaction: pratiques incarnées d’introduction des référents
Journal Langue Française
Volume 175
Pages / Article-Number 129-147

Lorenza Mondada, The multimodal organization of talk-in-Interaction: embodied practices for the introduction of new referents This paper argues that the integration of multimodal resources (i.e. talk, gesture, gaze, facial expressions, bodily postures) within grammatical description would change both our conception of what language is and our way of modelizing it. Starting with a discussion about the very notion of resource, the paper shows, on the basis of the study of a collection of cases, that the choice and use of a particular syntactic form is carefully adjusted to the ecology of the ongoing action. The paper focuses on two formats available for the introduction of new referent; It shows that the progressivity of the turn is strongly related to the monitoring by the speaker of the bodily posture of the co-participants-. By showing the systematicity of these emerging multimodal Gestalts, the paper argues that a linguistic description should integrate these complex multimodal dynamics within the very definition and modelization of referential processes.

Publisher Larousse
ISSN/ISBN 0023-8368
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.3917/lf.175.0129
ISI-Number WOS:000313025700008
Document type (ISI) Article

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