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Drinking and smoking in pregnancy: which questions do Swiss physicians ask?
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 137898
Author(s) Lemola, S; Grob, A
Author(s) at UniBasel Grob, Alexander
Lemola, Sakari
Year 2007
Title Drinking and smoking in pregnancy: which questions do Swiss physicians ask?
Journal Swiss medical weekly
Volume 137
Number 3-4
Pages / Article-Number 66-9
Keywords alcohol drinking, smoking, pregnancy, prenatal care, screening

Background: Although drinking and smoking
during pregnancy can have hazardous effects to
exposed children, a certain number of pregnant
women continues to consume alcohol and nicotine.
It was investigated whether physicians and
midwifes in Switzerland ask pregnant women
about their drinking and smoking habits.
Method: A self-report questionnaire was used
to assess whether pregnant women were screened
for alcohol and nicotine consumption by physicians
or midwifes. Data of 368 women were included
in the analyses.
Results: 30.0% reported drinking alcohol at
least once a month after pregnancy recognition,
2.2% reported binge drinking and 10.1% were
smokers. Only in 36.1% of the sample drinking
during pregnancy was addressed. The subgroup,
which drank alcohol, was not more likely to be
asked about drinking habits than non-drinkers. In
contrast, smoking was addressed in 66.3% of the
total sample and it was addressed in nearly 90% of
the smokers’ subgroup.
Conclusion: A change in the screening practice
in prenatal care with regard to alcohol drinking
during pregnancy is recommended. Brief interventions
can reduce drinking during pregnancy.

Publisher EMH
ISSN/ISBN 1424-7860
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 2007/03/smw-11648
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000243944200006
Document type (ISI) Journal Article
Additional Information Variant title: Drinking and smoking in pregnancy: what questions do Swiss physicians ask?

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