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Quantum correlations in two-fermion systems
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 119962
Author(s) Schliemann, J; Cirac, JI; Kus, M; Lewenstein, M; Loss, D
Author(s) at UniBasel Loss, Daniel
Year 2001
Title Quantum correlations in two-fermion systems
Journal Physical review A, General physics
Volume 64
Number 2
Pages / Article-Number 022303

We characterize and classify quantum correlations in two-fermion systems having 2K single-particle states. For pure states we introduce the Slater decomposition and rank (in analogy to Schmidt decomposition and rank): i.e., we decompose the state into a combination of elementary Slater determinants formed by pairs of mutually orthogonal single-particle states. Mixed states can be characterized by their Slater number which is the minimal Slater rank required to generate them. For K = 2 we gi ve a necessary and sufficient condition for a state to have a Slater number 1. We introduce a correlation measure for mixed states which can be evaluated analytically for K = 2. For higher K, we provide a method of constructing and optimizing Slater number witnesses, i.e., operators that detect Slater numbers for some states.

Publisher American Institute of Physics
ISSN/ISBN 1050-2947
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1103/PhysRevA.64.022303
ISI-Number WOS:000170297300019
Document type (ISI) Article

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