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Spin Hall effect due to intersubband-induced spin-orbit interaction in symmetric quantum wells
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 119817
Author(s) Lee, Minchul; Hachiya, Marco O.; Bernardes, E.; Egues, J. Carlos; Loss, Daniel
Author(s) at UniBasel Loss, Daniel
Year 2009
Title Spin Hall effect due to intersubband-induced spin-orbit interaction in symmetric quantum wells
Journal Physical Review B
Volume 80
Number 15
Pages / Article-Number 155314

We investigate the intrinsic spin Hall effect in two-dimensional electron gases in quantum wells with two subbands, where a new intersubband-induced spin-orbit coupling is operative. The bulk spin Hall conductivity sigma(z)(xy) is calculated in the ballistic limit within the standard Kubo formalism in the presence of a magnetic field B and is found to remain finite in the B=0 limit, as long as only the lowest subband is occupied. Our calculated sigma(z)(xy) exhibits a nonmonotonic behavior and can change its sign as the Fermi energy (the carrier areal density n(2D)) is varied between the subband edges. We determine the magnitude of sigma(z)(xy) for realistic InSb quantum wells by performing a self-consistent calculation of the intersubband-induced spin-orbit coupling.

Publisher American Institute of Physics
ISSN/ISBN 0163-1829
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.80.155314
ISI-Number ISI:000271352000089
Document type (ISI) article

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