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Adipose tissue-derived progenitors for engineering osteogenic and vasculogenic grafts
JournalItem (Reviews, Editorials, Rezensionen, Urteilsanmerkungen etc. in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 1197346
Author(s) Scherberich, Arnaud; Müller, Andreas M.; Schäfer, Dirk J.; Banfi, Andrea; Martin, Ivan
Author(s) at UniBasel Schaefer, Dirk Johannes
Banfi, Andrea
Martin, Ivan
Scherberich, Arnaud
Year 2010
Title Adipose tissue-derived progenitors for engineering osteogenic and vasculogenic grafts
Journal Journal of Cellular Physiology
Volume 225
Number 2
Pages 348-53
Abstract The current need for bone grafts in orthopedic and reconstructive surgery cannot be satisfied by autologous tissue transplant due to its limited availability and significant associated morbidity. Tissue engineering approaches could supply sufficient amounts of bone substitutes by exploiting the ability to harvest autologous osteogenic progenitors associated with suitable porous materials. However, the generation of clinically relevant-sized constructs is critically hampered by limited vascularization, with consequent engraftment and survival only of a thin outer shell, upon in vivo implantation. To overcome this limitation, different non-mutually exclusive approaches have recently been developed to promote or accelerate graft vascularization, from angiogenic growth factor gene delivery to surgical pre-vascularization of the construct before implantation. A simple, promising strategy involves the co-culture of vasculogenic cells to form an intrinsic vascular network inside the graft in vitro, which can rapidly anastomose with the host blood vessels in vivo. Recent data have shown that adipose tissue-derived stromal vascular fraction (SVF) may provide an efficient, convenient, and autologous source for both osteogenic and endothelial cells. When SVF progenitors were cultured in appropriate bioreactor systems and ectopically implanted, a functional vascular network connected to the host was formed concomitantly to bone formation. Future studies should aim at demonstrating that this approach effectively supports survival of scaled up cell-based bone grafts at an orthotopic site. The procedure should also be adapted to become compatible with an intra-operative timeline and complemented with the definition of suitable potency markers, to facilitate its development into a simplified, reproducible, and cost-effective clinical treatment.
Publisher Wiley
ISSN/ISBN 0021-9541 ; 1097-4652
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1002/jcp.22313
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000283003400011
Document type (ISI) Journal Article, Review
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