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Differences in coronary artery plaques between target and non-target vessels
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 1196605
Author(s) Toggweiler, Stefan; Suter, Yves; Schoenenberger, Andreas W; Kaspar, Mathias; Jamshidi, Peiman; Erne, Paul
Author(s) at UniBasel Erne, Paul
Year 2009
Title Differences in coronary artery plaques between target and non-target vessels
Journal Journal of invasive cardiology
Volume 21
Number 11
Pages / Article-Number 584-7
Keywords virtual histology, IVUS, acute coronary syndrome, stable angina
Abstract OBJECTIVE: We used intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and virtual histology (VH) to assess the differences of plaque burden and composition between target coronary arteries containing the culprit lesion and non-target coronary arteries. METHODS: Sixty patients referred for acute (n = 19) or elective (n = 41) coronary angiography were included. The target vessel containing the culprit lesion was identified by angiography. A non-target coronary artery was chosen for comparison. The first 4 cm of each vessel were analyzed with IVUS and VH. RESULTS: Total plaque burden was higher in the target vessel compared to the non-target vessel (52.4% vs. 45.9%, a relative difference of 14.2%; p < 0.001). The plaque composition of the target vessel correlated strongly with the plaque composition of the non-target vessel, but the relative amount of necrotic core was significantly higher in the target vessels (21.7% vs 19.2%; p = 0.028), whereas the amount of fibrolipidic material was significantly greater in non-target vessels (10.6% vs. 12.7%; p = 0.035). CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that in patients with relevant coronary artery disease, plaque burden and the amount of necrotic core material are greater in the target vessel. There is a strong correlation of plaque composition between target and non-target coronary arteries.
Publisher HMP Communications
ISSN/ISBN 1042-3931
Full Text on edoc No
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000284807200008
Document type (ISI) Clinical Trial, Journal Article

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