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Abeta and human amylin share a common toxicity pathway via mitochondrial dysfunction
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 1195659
Author(s) Lim, Yun-An; Rhein, Virginie; Baysang, Ginette; Meier, Fides; Poljak, Anne; Raftery, Mark J; Guilhaus, Michael; Ittner, Lars M; Eckert, Anne; Götz, Jürgen
Author(s) at UniBasel Eckert, Anne
Year 2010
Title Abeta and human amylin share a common toxicity pathway via mitochondrial dysfunction
Journal Proteomics
Volume 10
Number 8
Pages / Article-Number 1621-33
Keywords Alzheimer's disease, Amyloidosis, Mitochondrial complex proteins, Respiration, Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Abstract Alzheimer's disease (AD) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) are leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the elderly. Both diseases are characterized by amyloid deposition in target tissues: aggregation of amylin in T2DM is associated with loss of insulin-secreting beta-cells, while amyloid beta (A beta) aggregation in AD brain is associated with neuronal loss. Here, we used quantitative iTRAQ proteomics as a discovery tool to show that both A beta and human amylin (HA) deregulate identical proteins, a quarter of which are mitochondrial, supporting the notion that mitochondrial dysfunction is a common target in these two amyloidoses. A functional validation revealed that mitochondrial complex IV activity was significantly reduced after treatment with either HA or A beta, as was mitochondrial respiration. In comparison, complex I activity was reduced only after treatment with HA. A beta and HA, but not the non-amyloidogenic rat amylin, induced significant increases in the generation of ROS. Co-incubation of HA and A beta did not produce an augmented effect in ROS production, again suggesting common toxicity mechanisms. In conclusion, our data suggest that A beta and HA both exert toxicity, at least in part, via mitochondrial dysfunction, thus restoring their function may be beneficial for both AD and T2DM.
Publisher Wiley-VCH Verlag
ISSN/ISBN 1615-9853
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1002/pmic.200900651
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000277309800007
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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