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High frequency of tumor-infiltrating FOXP3(+) regulatory T cells predicts improved survival in mismatch repair-proficient colorectal cancer patients
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 1194785
Author(s) Frey, Daniel M; Droeser, Raoul A; Viehl, Carsten T; Zlobec, Inti; Lugli, Alessandro; Zingg, Urs; Oertli, Daniel; Kettelhack, Christoph; Terracciano, Luigi; Tornillo, Luigi
Author(s) at UniBasel Kettelhack, Christoph
Zingg, Urs
Terracciano, Luigi M.
Viehl, Carsten Thomas
Oertli, Daniel
Lugli, Alessandro
Tornillo, Luigi
Zlobec, Inti
Year 2010
Title High frequency of tumor-infiltrating FOXP3(+) regulatory T cells predicts improved survival in mismatch repair-proficient colorectal cancer patients
Journal International journal of cancer
Volume 126
Number 11
Pages / Article-Number 2635-43
Keywords human colorectal cancer, tumor infiltrating lymphocytes, FOXP3, regulatory T cells, tissue microarray
Abstract Regulatory T cells (T(reg)) inhibit the generation of host-versus-tumor immunity via suppression of tumor-specific effector T-cell responses and development of immune tolerance to neoplastic cells. The transcription factor forkhead box P3 (FOXP3) is an intracellular key molecule for T(reg) development and function and is considered to represent the most specific T(reg) cell marker. The aim of this study was to analyze the frequency and prognostic impact of tumor-infiltrating FOXP3(+) T(reg) in colorectal cancer (CRC) stratified by mismatch-repair (MMR) status. Using the tissue microarray technique, 1,420 tumor samples were immunohistochemically stained for FOXP3 and stratified into 1,197 MMR-proficient and 223 MMR-deficient CRCs. Additionally, the 1,197 MMR-proficient CRCs were randomized into 2 subgroups (Test Groups 1 and 2; n = 613 and 584, respectively). In both MMR-proficient CRC subgroups high frequency tumor-infiltrating FOXP3(+) T(reg) was associated with early T stage (p = 0.001 and <0.001), tumor location (p = 0.01 and 0.045) and increased 5-year survival rate (p = 0.004 and <0.001), whereas in MMR-deficient CRCs an association between FOXP3(+) T(reg) and absence of lymph node involvement (p = 0.023), absence of vascular invasion (p = 0.023) and improved 5-year survival rate (p = 0.029) could be detected. In a multivariable analysis including age, gender, T stage, N stage, tumor grade, vascular invasion, and tumor border configuration, a high FOXP3(+) T(reg) frequency was an independent prognostic factor in both MMR-proficient CRC subsets (p = 0.019 and p = 0.007), but not in the MMR-deficient CRCs (p = 0.13). Therefore, high frequency of tumor-infiltrating FOXP3(+) T(reg) is associated with early T stage and independently predicts improved disease-specific survival in MMR-proficient CRC patients.
Publisher Alan R. Liss
ISSN/ISBN 0020-7136
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1002/ijc.24989
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000277347900013
Document type (ISI) Article

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