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Saving and empowering young lives in Europe (SEYLE) : a randomized controlled trial
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 1194304
Author(s) Wasserman, Danuta; Carli, Vladimir; Wasserman, Camilla; Apter, Alan; Balazs, Judit; Bobes, Julia; Bracale, Renata; Brunner, Romuald; Bursztein-Lipsicas, Cendrine; Corcoran, Paul; Cosman, Doina; Durkee, Tony; Feldman, Dana; Gadoros, Julia; Guillemin, Francis; Haring, Christian; Kahn, Jean-Pierre; Kaess, Michael; Keeley, Helen; Marusic, Dragan; Nemes, Bogdan; Postuvan, Vita; Reiter-Theil, Stella; Resch, Franz; Sáiz, Pilar; Sarchiapone, Marco; Sisask, Merike; Varnik, Airi; Hoven, Christina W
Author(s) at UniBasel Reiter-Theil, Stella
Year 2010
Title Saving and empowering young lives in Europe (SEYLE) : a randomized controlled trial
Journal BMC public health
Volume 10
Pages / Article-Number 192
Abstract There have been only a few reports illustrating the moderate effectiveness of suicide-preventive interventions in reducing suicidal behavior, and, in most of those studies, the target populations were primarily adults, whereas few focused on adolescents. Essentially, there have been no randomized controlled studies comparing the efficacy, cost-effectiveness and cultural adaptability of suicide-prevention strategies in schools. There is also a lack of information on whether suicide-preventive interventions can, in addition to preventing suicide, reduce risk behaviors and promote healthier ones as well as improve young people's mental health.The aim of the SEYLE project, which is funded by the European Union under the Seventh Framework Health Program, is to address these issues by collecting baseline and follow-up data on health and well-being among European adolescents and compiling an epidemiological database; testing, in a randomized controlled trial, three different suicide-preventive interventions; evaluating the outcome of each intervention in comparison with a control group from a multidisciplinary perspective; as well as recommending culturally adjusted models for promoting mental health and preventing suicidal behaviors.
Publisher BioMed Central
ISSN/ISBN 1471-2458
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1186/1471-2458-10-192
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000278251700002
Document type (ISI) Journal Article, Randomized Controlled Trial

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