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Amplification of 8q21 in breast cancer is independent of MYC and associated with poor patient outcome
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 1193393
Author(s) Choschzick, Matthias; Lassen, Paula; Lebeau, Annette; Marx, Andreas Holger; Terracciano, Luigi; Heilenkötter, Uwe; Jaenicke, Fritz; Bokemeyer, Carsten; Izbicki, Jakob; Sauter, Guido; Simon, Ronald
Author(s) at UniBasel Terracciano, Luigi M.
Year 2010
Title Amplification of 8q21 in breast cancer is independent of MYC and associated with poor patient outcome
Journal Modern pathology
Volume 23
Number 4
Pages / Article-Number 603-10
Keywords 8q21 amplicon, breast cancer, amplification, prognosis
Abstract Copy number gains involving the long arm of chromosome 8, including high-level amplifications at 8q21 and 8q24, have been frequently reported in breast cancer. Although the role of the MYC gene as the driver of the 8q24 amplicon is well established, the significance of the 8q21 amplicon is less clear. The breast cancer cell line SK-BR-3 contains three separate 8q21 amplicons, the distal two of which correspond to putative target genes TPD52 and WWP1. To understand the effect of proximal 8q21 amplification on breast cancer phenotype and patient prognosis, we analyzed 8q21 copy number changes using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in a tissue microarray containing more than 2000 breast cancers. Amplification at 8q21 was found in 3% of tumors, and was associated with medullary type (P<0.03), high tumor grade (P<0.0001), high Ki67 labeling index (P<0.05), amplification of MYC (P<0.0001), HER2, MDM2, and CCND1 (P<0.05 each), as well as the total number of gene amplifications (P<0.0001). 8q21 copy number gains were significantly related to unfavorable patient outcome in univariate analysis. However, multivariate Cox regression analysis did not reveal an independent prognostic value of 8q21 amplification. The position of our FISH probe and data of a previously performed high-resolution CGH study in the breast cancer cell line SK-BR-3 involve TCEB1 and TMEM70 as new possible candidate oncogenes at 8q21 in breast cancer.
Publisher Nature Publishing Group
ISSN/ISBN 0893-3952
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1038/modpathol.2010.5
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000276197100013
Document type (ISI) Article

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