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Osteopontin as two-sided mediator of intestinal inflammation
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 1192974
Author(s) Heilmann, Katja; Hoffmann, Ute; Witte, Ellen; Loddenkemper, Christoph; Sina, Christian; Schreiber, Stefan; Hayford, Claudia; Holzlöhner, Pamela; Wolk, Kerstin; Tchatchou, Elianne; Moos, Verena; Zeitz, Martin; Sabat, Robert; Günthert, Ursula; Wittig, Bianca Maria
Author(s) at UniBasel Günthert, Ursula
Year 2009
Title Osteopontin as two-sided mediator of intestinal inflammation
Journal Journal of cellular and molecular medicine
Volume 13
Number 6
Pages / Article-Number 1162-74
Keywords Th1 immune response, inflammatory bowel disease, inflammation, phagocytosis

Osteopontin (OPN) is characterized as a major amplifier of Th1-immune responses. However, its role in intestinal inflammation is currently unknown. We found considerably raised OPN levels in blood of wild-type (wt) mice with DSS-induced colitis. To identify the role of this mediator in intestinal inflammation, we analyzed experimental colitis in OPN deficient (OPN-/-) mice. In the acute phase of colitis these mice showed more extensive colonic ulcerations and mucosal destruction than WT mice, which was abrogated by application of soluble OPN. Within the OPN-/- mice, infiltrating macrophages were not activated and showed impaired phagocytosis. Reduced mRNA expression of IL-1beta and matrix metalloproteinases was found in acute colitis of OPN-/- mice. This was associated with decreased blood levels of IL-22, a Th17 cytokine that may mediate epithelial regeneration. However, OPN-/- mice showed increased serum levels of TNF-alpha, which could be due to systemically present LPS translocated to the gut. In contrast to acute colitis, during chronic DSS-colitis, which is driven by a Th1 response of the lamina propria infiltrates, OPN-/- mice were protected from mucosal inflammation and demonstrated lower serum levels of IL-12 than WT mice. Furthermore, neutralization of OPN in WT mice abrogated colitis. Lastly, we demonstrate that in patients with active Crohn's disease OPN serum concentration correlated significantly with disease activity. Taken together, we postulate a dual function of OPN in intestinal inflammation: During acute inflammation OPN seems to activate innate immunity, reduces tissue damage, and initiates mucosal repair while during chronic inflammation it promotes the Th1 response and strengthens inflammation.

Publisher Wiley-Blackwell
ISSN/ISBN 1582-1838
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1111/j.1582-4934.2008.00428.x
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000267703900011
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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