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The data acquisition system of the neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF at CERN
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 110340
Author(s) Abbondanno, U; Aerts, G; Alvarez, F; Alvarez, H; Andriamonje, S; Andrzejewski, J; Badurek, G; Baumann, P; Becvar, F; Benlliure, J; Berthomieux, E; Betev, B; Calvino, F; Cano-Ott, D; Capote, R; Cennini, P; Chepel, V; Chiaveri, E; Colonna, N; Cortes, G; Cortina, D; Couture, A; Cox, J; Dababneh, S; David, S; Dolfini, R; Domingo-Pardo, C; Duran, I; Embid-Segura, M; Ferrant, L; Ferrari, A; Ferreira-Marques, R; Frais-Koelbl, H; Furman, W; Goncalves, I; Gonzalez-Romero, E; Goverdovski, A; Gramegna, F; Griesmayer, E; Gunsing, F; Haas, B; Haight, R; Heil, M; Herrera-Martinez, A; Isaev, S; Jericha, E; Kadi, Y; Kappeler, F; Kerveno, M; Ketlerov, V; Koehler, PE; Konovalov, V; Krticka, M; Leeb, H; Lindote, A; Lopes, MI; Lozano, M; Lukic, S; Marganiec, J; Marrone, S; Martinez-Val, J; Mastinu, P; Mengoni, A; Milazzo, PM; Molina-Coballes, A; Moreau, C; Mosconi, M; Neves, F; Oberhummer, H; O'Brien, S; Pancin, J; Papaevangelou, T; Paradela, C; Pavlik, A; Pavlopoulos, P; Perlado, JM; Perrot, L; Peskov, V; Plag, R; Plompen, A; Plukis, A; Poch, A; Policarpo, A; Pretel, C; Quesada, JM; Rapp, W; Rauscher, T; Reifarth, R; Rosetti, M; Rubbia, C; Rudolf, G; Rullhusen, P; Salgado, J; Schafer, E; Soares, JC; Stephan, C; Tagliente, G; Tain, JL; Tassan-Got, L; Tavora, LMN; Terlizzi, R; Vannini, G; Vaz, P; Ventura, A; Villamarin-Fernandez, D; Vincente-Vincente, M; Vlachoudis, V; Voss, F; Wendler, H; Wiescher, M; Wisshak, K
Author(s) at UniBasel Rauscher, Thomas
Year 2005
Title The data acquisition system of the neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF at CERN
Journal Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment
Volume 538
Number 1-3
Pages / Article-Number 692-702
Keywords flash-ADC, data acquisition, neutron time-of-flight spectroscopy, pulse shape analysis

The n_TOF facility at CERN has been designed for the measurement of neutron capture, fission and (n, xn) cross-sections with high accuracy. This requires a flexible and-due to the high instantaneous neutron flux-almost dead time free data acquisition system. A scalable and versatile data solution has been designed based on 8-bit flash-ADCs with sampling rates up to 2 GHz and 8 Mbyte memory buffer. The software is written in C and C++ and is running on PCs equipped with RedHat Linux. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Publisher Elsevier
ISSN/ISBN 0168-9002
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1016/j.nima.2004.09.002
ISI-Number WOS:000227080600055
Document type (ISI) Article

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