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Quantum computing implementations with neutral particles
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 1070242
Author(s) Negretti, Antonio; Treutlein, Philipp; Calarco, Tommaso
Author(s) at UniBasel Treutlein, Philipp
Year 2011
Title Quantum computing implementations with neutral particles
Journal Quantum information processing
Volume 10
Number 6
Pages / Article-Number 721-753
Keywords Quantum information processing, Quantum optimal control, Hybrid systems, Atomic molecular and optical physics
Abstract We review quantum information processing with cold neutral particles, that is, atoms or polar molecules. First, we analyze the best suited degrees of freedom of these particles for storing quantum information, and then we discuss both single- and two-qubit gate implementations. We focus our discussion mainly on collisional quantum gates, which are best suited for atom-chip-like devices, as well as on gate proposals conceived for optical lattices. Additionally, we analyze schemes both for cold atoms confined in optical cavities and hybrid approaches to entanglement generation, and we show how optimal control theory might be a powerful tool to enhance the speed up of the gate operations as well as to achieve high fidelities required for fault tolerant quantum computation.
Publisher Kluwer
ISSN/ISBN 1570-0755
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1007/s11128-011-0291-5
ISI-Number WOS:000299033800002
Document type (ISI) Editorial Material

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