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Atomic force microscopy-based screening of drug-excipient miscibility and stability of solid dispersions
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 1051893
Author(s) Lauer, Matthias Eckhard; Grassmann, Olaf; Siam, Monira; Tardio, Joseph; Jacob, Laurence; Page, Susanne; Kindt, Johannes Heinrich; Engel, Andreas; Alsenz, Jochem
Author(s) at UniBasel Engel, Andreas
Year 2011
Title Atomic force microscopy-based screening of drug-excipient miscibility and stability of solid dispersions
Journal Pharmaceutical research
Volume 28
Number 3
Pages / Article-Number 572-84
Keywords amorphous formulation, raman microscopy, solid dispersion, stability prediction, AFM
Abstract PURPOSE: Development of a method to assess the drug/polymer miscibility and stability of solid dispersions using a melt-based mixing method. METHODS: Amorphous fractured films are prepared and characterized with Raman Microscopy in combination with Atomic Force Microscopy to discriminate between homogenously and heterogeneously mixed drug/polymer combinations. The homogenous combinations are analyzed further for physical stability under stress conditions, such as increased humidity or temperature. RESULTS: Combinations that have the potential to form a molecular disperse mixture are identified. Their potential to phase separate is determined through imaging at molecular length scales, which results in short observation time. De-mixing is quantified by phase separation analysis, and the drug/polymer combinations are ranked to identify the most stable combinations. CONCLUSIONS: The presented results demonstrate that drug/polymer miscibility and stability of solid dispersions, with many mechanistic details, can be analyzed with Atomic Force Microscopy. The assay allows to identify well-miscible and stable combinations within hours or a few days.
Publisher Plenum Press
ISSN/ISBN 0724-8741
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1007/s11095-010-0306-4
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000287453300015
Document type (ISI) Journal Article

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