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A research agenda for malaria eradication : cross-cutting issues for eradication
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 1022798
Author(s) Alonso, Pedro L.; Brown, Graham; Tanner, Marcel; maIERA Consultative Grp Integratio
Author(s) at UniBasel Tanner, Marcel
de Savigny, Donald
Smith, Thomas A.
Year 2011
Title A research agenda for malaria eradication : cross-cutting issues for eradication
Journal PLoS medicine
Volume 8
Number 1
Pages / Article-Number e1000404
Abstract Discipline-specific Malaria Eradication Research Agenda (malERA) Consultative Groups have recognized several cross-cutting issues that must be addressed to prevent repetition of some of the mistakes of past malaria elimination campaigns in future programs. Integrated research is required to develop a decision-making framework for the switch from malaria control to elimination. Similarly, a strong economic case is needed for the very long-term financial support that is essential for elimination. Another cross-cutting priority is the development of improved measures of intensity of transmission, especially at low and nonrandom levels. Because sustained malaria elimination is dependent on a functioning health system, a further key cross-cutting research question is to determine how inputs for malaria can strengthen health systems, information systems, and overall health outcomes. Implementation of elimination programs must also be accompanied by capacity building and training to allow the assessment of the impact of new combinations of interventions, new roles for different individuals, and the operational research that is needed to facilitate program expansion. Finally, because community engagement, knowledge management, communication, political, and multisectoral support are critical but poorly understood success factors for malaria elimination, integrated research into these issues is vital
Publisher PLoS
ISSN/ISBN 1549-1277
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1371/journal.pmed.1000404
PubMed ID
ISI-Number WOS:000286594200019
Document type (ISI) Review

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