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On the Role of Nonbonded Interactions in Vibrational Energy Relaxation of Cyanide in Water
JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)
ID 1017967
Author(s) Lee, Myung Won; Meuwly, Markus
Author(s) at UniBasel Meuwly, Markus
Year 2011
Title On the Role of Nonbonded Interactions in Vibrational Energy Relaxation of Cyanide in Water
Journal The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
Volume 115
Number 20
Pages / Article-Number 5053-5061
Abstract The vibrationally excited cyanide ion (CN–) in H2O or D2O relaxes back to the ground state within several tens of picoseconds. Pump–probe infrared spectroscopy has determined relaxation times of T1 = 28 ± 7 and 71 ± 3 ps in H2O and D2O, respectively. Atomistic simulations of this process using nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations allow determination of whether it is possible at all to describe such a process, what level of accuracy in the force fields is required, and whether the information can be used to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying vibrational relaxation. It is found that, by using the best electrostatic models investigated, absolute relaxation times can be described rather more qualitatively (T1H2O = 19 ps and T1D2O = 34 ps) whereas the relative change in going from water to deuterated water is more quantitatively captured (factor of 2 vs 2.5 from experiment). However, moderate adjustment of the van der Waals ranges by less than 20% (for NVT) and 7.5% (for NVE), respectively, leads to almost quantitative agreement with experiment. Analysis of the energy redistribution establishes that the major pathway for CN– relaxation in H2O or D2O proceeds through coupling to the water-bending plus libration mode.
Publisher American Chemical Society
ISSN/ISBN 1089-5639
Full Text on edoc No
Digital Object Identifier DOI 10.1021/jp202503m
ISI-Number 000290652000005
Document type (ISI) Article

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