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Showing records 41 - 59 (of 59)
Type Date Title Description ID
Invited presentations at conferences 2012-03-16 La vaisselle à boire et la mise en scène du banquet aristocratique dans le monde méditerranéen et celtique  Int. Workshop "Autour du banquet. Modèles de consommation et usages sociaux entre Europe celtique continentale et mondes méditerranéens 1516490
Invited presentations at conferences 2012-06-22 Local identity and cultural exchange in (pre-) colonial Francavilla Marittima: the Macchiabate necropolis in the light of new excavations  Contextualising “early Colonisation" 1516500
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-11-27 Macchiabate. Indagini archeologiche 2009-2010  IX Giornata Archeologica Francavillese 469633
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2018-05-28 Panel: Economy and Cultural Contact in the Mediterranean Iron Age  4495742
Invited presentations at conferences 2016-10-21 Returning heroes: Greek and native interaction in (pre-) colonial South Italy and beyond  Calabria and beyond. New perspectives in the archaeology of pre-classical landscapes, cultural encounters, and pottery chronology 3703484
Invited presentations at conferences 2017-10-11 Salbgefässe und die Magie der Schönheit in der Spätantike  EuGeStA Woman and Objects 4262586
Invited presentations at conferences 2018-11-16 Scavi dell'Università di Basilea nella necropoli di Macchiabate 2018  Giornata Archeologica Francavillese 4495727
Invited presentations at conferences 2019-11-29 Scavi dell'Università di Basilea nella necropoli di Macchiabate 2019  Giornata Archeologica Francavillese 4528158
Invited presentations at conferences 2009-05-10 Silver and Donatives – Non-coin exchange within and outside the Roman Empire  Late Roman silver and the end of the Empire: the Traprain Treasure in context 171390
Invited presentations at conferences 2014-10-10 Stamnos und Krater beim keltischen Gelage  Das Prunkgrab von Bad Dürkheim 1864.2014 2850418
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-01-29 Standortbestimmung der Klassischen Archäologie  Horizont 2015 469653
Awards, honours and prizes 2016-05-23 Teaching Excellence Award University of Basel (Kategorie Top Aktuell)  3703480
Invited presentations at conferences 2011-02-11 The Macchiabate necropolis in Francavilla Marittima (Calabria): Some preliminary notes on the recent excavations by the University of Basel  Current research into Pre-Roman burial grounds in Italy 1013623
Invited presentations at conferences 2009-11-06 Tore griechischer Heiligtümer  Grenzen in Ritual und Kult der Antike 171395
Invited presentations at conferences 2016-04-16 Tra mar ionio e mar tirreno: Francavilla Marittima e la rete di comunicazioni transappenninica in età precoloniale  Il Pollino: barriera naturale e crocevia di culture 3703481
Invited presentations at conferences 2015-07-27 Tra mondo indigeno e mondo greco: forme ibride nella ceramica precoloniale di Francavilla Marittima  Le giornate della ceramica: Dalla terra e dal fuoco 3382200
Invited presentations at conferences 2015-09-05 Tradition and innovation in the funerary practice of (pre-) colonial Francavilla Marittima, Calabria  21st Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists 3382198
Invited presentations at conferences 2012-11-26 Une base de données de la céramique attique trouvée au nord de l'Etrurie: problèmes et perspectives  Table Ronde int.: Des amphores chez les Celtes hallstattiens: l'Europe et le vin de la Méditerranée archaïque 1516525
Invited presentations at conferences 2018-01-18 Vortragsreihe: Etrusker. Antike Hochkultur im Schatten Roms  Exotisch, kostbar, fremd: Zum Kulturaustausch zwischen Kelten und Etruskern 4495716
Showing records 41 - 59 (of 59)

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