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Showing records 1 - 11 (of 11)

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
3623969  Lopez, Rubén J.; Byrne, Susan; Vukcevic, Mirko; Sekulic-Jablanovic, Marijana; Xu, Lifen; Brink, Marijke; Alamelu, Jay; Voermans, Nicol; Snoeck, Marc; Clement, Emma; Muntoni, Francesco; Zhou, Haiyan; Radunovic, Aleksandar; Mohammed, Shehla; Wraige, Elizabeth; Zorzato, Francesco; Treves, Susan; Jungbluth, Heinz 2016 An RYR1 mutation associated with malignant hyperthermia is also associated with bleeding abnormalities Science Signaling
3623967  Sekulic-Jablanovic, Marijana; Ullrich, Nina D.; Goldblum, David; Palmowski-Wolfe, Anja; Zorzato, Francesco; Treves, Susan 2016 Functional characterization of orbicularis oculi and extraocular muscles Journal of General Physiology
3623968  Mosca, Barbara; Eckhardt, Jan; Bergamelli, Leda; Treves, Susan; Bongianino, Rossana; De Negri, Marco; Priori, Silvia G.; Protasi, Feliciano; Zorzato, Francesco 2016 Role of the JP45-Calsequestrin Complex on Calcium Entry in Slow Twitch Skeletal Muscles Journal of Biological Chemistry
3623957  Sekulic, M.; Palmowski-Wolfe, A.; Zorzato, F.; Treves, S. 2015 Characterization of excitation-contraction coupling components in human extraocular muscles Biochemical Journal
2775194  Lopez, R. J.; Mosca, B.; Treves, S.; Maj, M.; Bergamelli, L.; Calderon, J. C.; Bentzinger, C. F.; Romanino, K.; Hall, M. N.; Rüegg, M. A.; Delbono, O.; Caputo, C.; Zorzato, F. 2015 Raptor ablation in skeletal muscle decreases Cav1.1 expression and affects the function of the excitation-contraction coupling supramolecular complex Biochemical Journal
2159002  Yasuda, T.; Delbono, O.; Wang, Z. M.; Messi, M. L.; Girard, T.; Urwyler, A.; Treves, S.; Zorzato, F. 2013 JP-45/JSRP1 Variants Affect Skeletal Muscle Excitation–Contraction Coupling by Decreasing the Sensitivity of the Dihydropyridine Receptor Human Mutation
2832615  Mosca, Barbara; Delbono, Osvaldo; Laura Messi, Maria; Bergamelli, Leda; Wang, Zhong-Min; Vukcevic, Mirko; Lopez, Ruben; Treves, Susan; Nishi, Miyuki; Takeshima, Hiroshi; Paolini, Cecilia; Martini, Marta; Rispoli, Giorgio; Protasi, Feliciano; Zorzato, Francesco 2013 Enhanced dihydropyridine receptor calcium channel activity restores muscle strength in JP45/CASQ1 double knockout mice Nature Communications
2089061  Vukcevic, M.; Zorzato, F.; Keck, S.; Tsakiris, D. A.; Keiser, J.; Maizels, R. M.; Treves, S. 2013 Gain of function in the immune system caused by a ryanodine receptor 1 mutation Journal of cell science
2164724  Delbono, Osvaldo; Messi, Maria Laura; Wang, Zhong-Min; Treves, Susan; Mosca, Barbara; Bergamelli, Leda; Nishi, Miyuki; Takeshima, Hiroshi; Shi, Hang; Xue, Bingzhong; Zorzato, Francesco 2012 Endogenously determined restriction of food intake overcomes excitation–contraction uncoupling in JP45KO mice with aging Experimental Gerontology
2159008  Hwang, J. H.; Zorzato, F.; Clarke, N. F.; Treves, S. 2012 Mapping domains and mutations on the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor channel Trends in Molecular Medicine
2164735  Treves, Susan; Vukcevic, Mirko; Griesser, Johanna; Franzini-Armstrong, Clara; Zhu, Michael X.; Zorzato, Francesco 2010 Agonist-activated Ca2+ influx occurs at stable plasma membrane and endoplasmic reticulum junctions Journal of Cell Science
Showing records 1 - 11 (of 11)

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