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Showing records 1 - 20 (of 31)

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
3963890  Sanderson, Nicholas S. R.; Zimmermann, Maria; Eilinger, Luca; Gubser, Céline; Schaeren-Wiemers, Nicole; Lindberg, Raija L. P.; Dougan, Stephanie K.; Ploegh, Hidde L.; Kappos, Ludwig; Derfuss, Tobias 2017 Cocapture of cognate and bystander antigens can activate autoreactive B cells Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
4378928  Rasenack, M.; Rychen, J.; Andelova, M.; Naegelin, Y.; Stippich, C.; Kappos, L.; Lindberg, R. L.; Sprenger, T.; Derfuss, T. 2016 Efficacy and Safety of Fingolimod in an Unselected Patient Population PLoS One
4405864  Hegen, Harald; Adrianto, Indra; Lessard, Christopher J.; Millonig, Alban; Bertolotto, Antonio; Comabella, Manuel; Giovannoni, Gavin; Guger, Michael; Hoelzl, Martina; Khalil, Michael; Fazekas, Franz; Killestein, Joep; Lindberg, Raija L.P.; Malucchi, Simona; Mehling, Matthias; Montalban, Xavier; Rudzki, Dagmar; Schautzer, Franz; Sellebjerg, Finn; Sorensen, Per Soelberg; Deisenhammer, Florian; Steinman, Lawrence; Axtell, Robert C. 2016 Cytokine profiles show heterogeneity of interferon-β response in multiple sclerosis patients Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm
4378931  Meira, Maria; Sievers, Claudia; Hoffmann, Francine; Haghikia, Aiden; Rasenack, Maria; Decard, Bernhard F.; Kuhle, Jens; Derfuss, Tobias; Kappos, Ludwig; Lindberg, Raija L.P. 2016 Natalizumab-induced POU2AF1/Spi-B upregulation: A possible route for PML development Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm
3004989  Pröbstel, Anne-Katrin; Rudolf, Gabrielle; Dornmair, Klaus; Collongues, Nicolas; Chanson, Jean-Baptiste; Sanderson, Nicholas S R; Lindberg, Raija L P; Kappos, Ludwig; de Seze, Jérôme; Derfuss, Tobias 2015 Anti-MOG antibodies are present in a subgroup of patients with a neuromyelitis optica phenotype Journal of neuroinflammation
4405865  Matsushita, T.; Madireddy, L.; Sprenger, T.; Khankhanian, P.; Magon, S.; Naegelin, Y.; Caverzasi, E.; Lindberg, R. L.; Kappos, L.; Hauser, S. L.; Oksenberg, J. R.; Henry, R.; Pelletier, D.; Baranzini, S. E. 2015 Genetic associations with brain cortical thickness in multiple sclerosis Genes, Brain and Behavior
2832981  Hegen, H; Millonig, A; Bertolotto, A; Comabella, M; Giovanonni, G; Guger, M; Hoelzl, M; Khalil, M; Killestein, J; Lindberg, R; Malucchi, S; Mehling, M; Montalban, X; Polman, C H; Rudzki, D; Schautzer, F; Sellebjerg, F; Sřrensen, P S; Deisenhammer, F 2014 Early detection of neutralizing antibodies to interferon-beta in multiple sclerosis patients: binding antibodies predict neutralizing antibody development Multiple sclerosis
4378952  Meira, Meira; Sievers, Claudia; Hoffmann, Francine; Rasenack, Maria; Kuhle, Jens; Derfuss, Tobias; Kappos, Ludwig; Lindberg, Raija L. P. 2014 Unraveling natalizumab effects on deregulated miR-17 expression in CD4+ T cells of patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis Journal of Immunology Research
4378953  Meira, Maria; Sievers, Claudia; Hoffmann, Francine; Derfuss, Tobias; Kuhle, Jens; Kappos, Ludwig; Lindberg, Raija L. P. 2014 MiR-126: a novel route for natalizumab action? Multiple Sclerosis Journal
2832984  Mehling, M.; Fritz, S.; Hafner, P.; Eichin, D.; Yonekawa, T.; Klimkait, T.; Lindberg, R. L.; Kappos, L.; Hess, C. 2013 Preserved Antigen-Specific Immune Response in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Responding to IFNbeta-Therapy PLoS ONE
2832983  Kuhle, J.; Plattner, K.; Bestwick, J. P.; Lindberg, R. L.; Ramagopalan, S. V.; Norgren, N.; Nissim, A.; Malaspina, A.; Leppert, D.; Giovannoni, G.; Kappos, L. 2013 A comparative study of CSF neurofilament light and heavy chain protein in MS Multiple Sclerosis Journal
2832978  Derfuss, Tobias; Kuhle, Jens; Lindberg, Raija; Kappos, Ludwig 2013 Natalizumab therapy for multiple sclerosis Seminars in neurology
2832979  Gaiottino, J.; Norgren, N.; Dobson, R.; Topping, J.; Nissim, A.; Malaspina, A.; Bestwick, J. P.; Monsch, A. U.; Regeniter, A.; Lindberg, R. L.; Kappos, L.; Leppert, D.; Petzold, A.; Giovannoni, G.; Kuhle, J. 2013 Increased neurofilament light chain blood levels in neurodegenerative neurological diseases PLoS ONE
2832987  Ricklin, Meret E; Lorscheider, Johannes; Waschbisch, Anne; Paroz, Cecile; Mehta, Satish K; Pierson, Duane L; Kuhle, Jens; Fischer-Barnicol, Bettina; Sprenger, Till; Lindberg, Raija L P; Kappos, Ludwig; Derfuss, Tobias 2013 T-cell response against varicella-zoster virus in fingolimod-treated MS patients Neurology
2832988  Sievers, Claudia; Meira, Maria; Hoffmann, Francine; Fontoura, Paulo; Kappos, Ludwig; Lindberg, Raija L P 2012 Altered microRNA expression in B lymphocytes in multiple sclerosis: towards a better understanding of treatment effects Clinical immunology
2834341  Gensicke, H.; Leppert, D.; Yaldizli, O.; Lindberg, R. L.; Mehling, M.; Kappos, L.; Kuhle, J. 2012 Monoclonal Antibodies and Recombinant Immunoglobulins for the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis CNS Drugs
2832986  Rejdak, Konrad; Kuhle, Jens; Rüegg, Stephan; Lindberg, Raija L P; Petzold, Axel; Sulejczak, Dorota; Papuc, Ewa; Rejdak, Robert; Stelmasiak, Zbigniew; Grieb, Paweł 2012 Neurofilament heavy chain and heat shock protein 70 as markers of seizure-related brain injury Epilepsia
1193782  Kuhle, J; Leppert, D; Petzold, A; Regeniter, A; Schindler, C; Mehling, M; Anthony, D C; Kappos, L; Lindberg, R L P 2011 Neurofilament heavy chain in CSF correlates with relapses and disability in multiple sclerosis Neurology
1193781  Mehling, Matthias; Hilbert, Patricia; Fritz, Stefanie; Durovic, Bojana; Eichin, Dominik; Gasser, Olivier; Kuhle, Jens; Klimkait, Thomas; Lindberg, Raija L P; Kappos, Ludwig; Hess, Christoph 2011 Antigen-specific adaptive immune responses in fingolimod-treated multiple sclerosis patients Annals of neurology
1195968  Mehling, M; Lindberg, R; Raulf, F; Kuhle, J; Hess, C; Kappos, L; Brinkmann, V 2010 Th17 central memory T cells are reduced by FTY720 in patients with multiple sclerosis Neurology
Showing records 1 - 20 (of 31)

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