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Showing records 21 - 40 (of 55)

Publication: Book Item (Buchkap., Lexikonartikel, jur. Kommentierung, Beiträge in Sammelbänden etc.)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
103664  Le Tensorer, Jean-Marie 2001 Ein Bild vor dem Bild? : die ältesten menschlichen Artefakte und die Frage des Bildes K. G. Saur
275815  Le Tensorer, Jean-Marie; Muhesen, Sultan; Jagher, Reto 2001 Paleolithic settlement dynamics in the El Kowm Area (Central Syria) Kerns Verlag

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4659325  Jagher, Reto; Wojtczak, Dorota; Al Nahar, Maysoon; Abu Ghaneimeh, Khaled; Hourani, Fuad; Le Tensorer, Jean-Marie 2022 The First Human Settlements on the Left Bank of the Jordan Valley: The 2015, 2016 and 2018 surveys Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan
4634395  Smith, Krister T.; Comay, Orr; Maul, Lutz; Wegmüller, Fabio; Le Tensorer, Jean-Marie; Dayan, Tamar 2021 A model of digestive tooth corrosion in lizards: experimental tests and taphonomic implications Scientific Reports
3401475  Le Tensorer, Jean-Marie; Le Tensorer, Helene; Martini, Pietro; von Falkenstein, Vera; Schmid, Peter; Jose Villalain, Juan 2015 The Oldowan site Aïn al Fil (El Kowm, Syria) and the first humans of the Syrian Desert L'anthropologie
3401464  Jagher, Reto; Elsuede, Hani; Le Tensorer, Jean-Marie 2015 El Kowm Oasis, Human settlement in the Syrian Desert during the Pleistocene L'anthropologie
3401476  Martini, Pietro; Costeur, Loic; Le Tensorer, Jean-Marie; Schmid, Peter 2015 Pleistocene camelids from the Syrian Desert: The diversity in El Kowm L'anthropologie
3401478  Maul, Lutz Christian; Smith, Krister T.; Shenbrot, Georgy; Wegmüller, Fabio; Le Tensorer, Jean-Marie 2015 Microvertebrates from unit G/layer 17 of the archaeological site of Hummal (El Kowm, Central Syria): preliminary results L'anthropologie
2839481  Wojtczak, Dorota; Le Tensorer, Jean-Marie; Demidenko, Yuri 2014 Hummalian industry (El-Kowm, Central Syria): core-like reductions for small-sized debitage case in Levantine Middle Palaeolithic Quartär
2354474  Le Tensorer, J.-M. 2013 Lumière du passé: datation par thermoluminesence Nike Bulletin
2354473  Hauck, Thomas C.; Connan, Jacques; Charrie-Duhaut, Armelle; Le Tensorer, Jean-Marie; al Sakhel, Heba 2013 Molecular evidence of bitumen in the Mousterian lithic assemblage of Hummal (Central Syria) Journal of archaeological science
2354481  Monnier, Gilliane F.; Hauck, Thomas C.; Feinberg, Joshua M.; Luo, Bing; Le Tensorer, Jean-Marie; al Sakhel, Heba 2013 A multianalytical methodology of lithic residue analysis applied to Paleolithic tools from Hummal, Syria Journal of archaeological science
1528529  Richter, Juergen; Hauck, Thomas; Vogelsang, Ralf; Widlok, Thomas; Le Tensorer, Jean-Marie; Schmid, Peter 2012 "Contexual areas" of early Homo sapiens and their significance for human dispersal from Africa into Eurasia between 200 and 70 ka Quaternary international
101789  Jagher, Reto; Pümpin, Christine; Wegmüller, Fabio; Winet, Ines 2011 Central Oman palaeolithic survey, report of the 2007 season The Journal of Oman Studies
102587  Le Tensorer, Jean-Marie; von Falkenstein, Vera; Le Tensorer, Helene; Schmid, Peter; Muhesen, Sultan 2011 Etude préliminaire des industries archaïques de faciès oldowayen du site de Hummal (El Kowm, Syrie centrale) l'Anthropologie
102475  Le Tensorer, Jean-Marie; Muhesen, Sultan; Schmid, Peter 2009 Le Paléolithique de Hummal à El Kowm : premier bilan des fouilles syro-suisses 1999-2008 Chronique Archéologique en Syrie
101834  Lorblanchet, Michel; Delluc, Brigitte & Gilles; Le Tensorer, Jean-Marie; Bariviera, Guy; Bournazel, Josseline 2009 Roucadour quarante ans plus tard Bulletin préhistoire du Sud-Ouest
102510  Schmid, Peter; Le Tensorer, Jean-Marie 2009 Out of Africa Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich
102505  Le Tensorer, Jean-Marie 2009 L'image avant l'image: réflexion sur le colloque L'anthropologie
100717  Le Tensorer, Jean-Marie; Jagher, Reto; Rentzel, Philippe; Hauck, Thomas; Ismail-Meyer, Kristin; Puempin, Christine; Wojtczak, Dorota 2007 Long-term site formation processes at the natural springs Nadaouiyeh and Hummal in the El Kowm oasis, Central Syria Geoarchaeology
Showing records 21 - 40 (of 55)

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