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Showing records 1 - 10 (of 10)
Type Date Title Description ID
Memberships 2008-01-01 Potterat, Olivier  Editorial Board Chemistry and Biodiversity, Verlag Helvetica Chimica Acta 2277763
Invited presentations at conferences 2011-09-08 Pharmacognosie des plantes du SNC  Certificat de formation continue SSPM en Phytothérapie – Phytotérapie et troubles du système nerveux central 1016490
Invited presentations at conferences 2012-02-02 Pharmacognosie des plantes pour les problèmes dermatologiques   Certificat de formation continue SSPM en phytothérapie 1454074
Invited presentations at conferences 2014-09-18 Des plantes contre l'insomnie, l'anxiété et la déprime  Certificat de formation continue, SSPM en phytothérapie 2803196
Invited presentations at conferences 2015-02-05 Pharmacognosie des Plantes pour les Problèmes Dermatologiques  Certificat de formation continue SSPM en phytothérapie 3394449
Invited presentations at conferences 2015-06-08 Combined use of extract libraries and HPLC-based activity profiling for lead discovery  PhD Day 3394448
Invited presentations at conferences 2018-11-01 Search for plant-derived products as substitutes of copper in organic agriculture  1st International Congress of Green Biotechnology 4491669
Invited presentations at conferences 2019-04-18 “Combined Use of Extract Libraries and HPLC-Based Activity Profiling for Lead Discovery”.  7ème édition du Symposium International Plantes Aromatiques et Médicinales 4596199
Invited presentations at conferences 2022-08-29 Iridal-type triterpenes as novel potent lymphatic vascular activators  70th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA) 4659958
Awards, honours and prizes 2008-11-30 Sandoz Natura Phytotherapy Award  2277765
Showing records 1 - 10 (of 10)

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