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Showing records 1 - 5 (of 5)
Type Date Title Description ID
Memberships 1992-01-01 Rosenthaler, Lukas  IEEE - Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers 60199
Memberships 2008-01-01 Rosenthaler, Lukas  AMIA - Assiciation of Moving Image Archivists 60200
Invited presentations at conferences 2019-05-15 keynote: digital archiving  Archving 2019 4596256
Invited presentations at conferences 2022-11-17 SwissBritNet: research-driven data modeling and the development of intelligent queries  SKILLNET International Conference Digital Approaches to the Republic of Letters 4652410
Awards, honours and prizes 2013-06-28 Wissenschaftspreis der Stadt Basel  2817050
Showing records 1 - 5 (of 5)

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