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Showing records 121 - 128 (of 128)
Type Date Title Description ID
Awards, honours and prizes 2002-09-01 Radcliffe Institute Fellowship – Burroughs Wellcome Fellow, Harvard University (former Bunting Fellowship)  2832055
Awards, honours and prizes 2004-10-24 David and Lucile Packard Fellow  2832053
Awards, honours and prizes 2006-01-01 Irma T. Hirschl Scholar  2832051
Awards, honours and prizes 2010-05-17 Harold and Golden Lamport Award  2827937
Awards, honours and prizes 2016-09-05 Werner Siemens PhD Fellowship  3723919
Awards, honours and prizes 2018-04-27 Bruno Speck Award  4495519
Awards, honours and prizes 2018-10-01 ERC Advanced Grant  4495516
Awards, honours and prizes 2020-01-01 EMBO Fellow  4615372
Showing records 121 - 128 (of 128)

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