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Showing records 1 - 5 (of 5)
Type Date Title Description ID
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2020-02-13 Workshop "Generative Realitäten"  4530280
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2013-09-26 Gewaltmassen. Selbstorganisation und Eigendynamik kollektiver Gewalt  3273564
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2015-09-24 Futures. Prospective Money and Money's Prospects  3273562
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2019-09-26 Comparing Colonialism: Beyond European Exceptionalism  4523242
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2019-09-26 Comparing Colonialism. Beyond European Exceptionalism  4527950
Showing records 1 - 5 (of 5)

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