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Projects as Co-Investigator

Showing records 1 - 3 (of 3)
Principal Investigator Title Organization Status ID
Schaub, Stefan Towards tailored immunosuppression in renal allograft recipients by evaluation of HLA-mismatching at the structural level  Transplantationsimmunologie und Nephrologie (Steiger) Completed 1201737
Wirz-Justice, Anna Light therapy for depression during pregnancy  Bereich Psychiatrie (Klinik) / Erwachsenenpsychiatrie UPK,
Bereich Psychiatrie (Klinik) / Erwachsenenpsychiatrie (Riecher-Rössler)
Completed 6316
Margraf, Jürgen; Wolke, Dieter; Grob, Alexander; Schneider, Silvia; Lieb, Roselind NCCR SESAM Core Study  Departement Psychologie / Klinische Psychologie und Epidemiologie (Lieb),
Departement Psychologie / Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie (Margraf)
Completed 5803
Showing records 1 - 3 (of 3)

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