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Projects as Principal Investigator

Showing records 1 - 5 (of 5)
Principal Investigator Title Organization Status ID
Jung, Thomas Mechanic and Electronic interaction in 2D supramolecular layers. Properties in local and periodic confinement.  Departement Physik / Physik Completed 3949656
Jung, Thomas Self-assembly and magnetic order of 2D spin lattices on surfaces   Departement Physik / Physik Completed 3850687
Jung, Thomas Portable UHV Scanning Probe Microscope -- PSPM  Departement Physik / Physik Completed 2408648
Jung, Thomas Site-specific magnetic studies and control of large selfassembled spin systems  Departement Physik,
Departement Physik / Physik
Completed 1742440
Schönenberger, Christian; Jung, Thomas Nano-P4 Project 04 Molecular Electronics  Experimentalphysik Nanoeklektronik (Schönenberger) Completed 5745
Showing records 1 - 5 (of 5)

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