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Showing records 1 - 20 (of 24)
Type Date Title Description ID
Invited presentations at conferences 2022-03-16 The non-gradual nature of adaptive radiation in African cichlid fishes  Rencontres de l'Ichtyologie en France 4658346
Invited presentations at conferences 2020-02-28 Drivers and dynamics of adaptive radiation in cichlid fishes  Kerner von Marilaun Symposium, Austrian Academy of Sciences 4611267
Invited presentations at conferences 2019-06-20 Lake Tanganyika's Life  Lake Tanganyika Drilling Workshop 4526141
Invited presentations at conferences 2019-11-16 Die Evolution der Buntbarsche im Tanganjikasee  DCG Symposium 4526139
Invited presentations at conferences 2018-02-06 Understanding adaptive radiation and explosive speciation through cichlid fish genomics  Biology19 4526136
Mobility: Visiting scientist at ... 2018-08-30 Exploring the diversity of non-cichlid fishes in Lake Tanganyika  4492999
Invited presentations at conferences 2018-01-10 The genomic substrate for adaptive radiation in Lake Tanganyika cichlids  Swedish Evolutionary Biology Conference 4492998
Invited presentations at conferences 2018-11-23 Understanding adaptive radiation and explosive speciation through cichlid fish genomics  The Genetics Society Autumn Meeting 4492997
Invited presentations at conferences 2018-05-30 The cichlid fish fauna of Lake Tanganyika  Lake Tanganyika Key Biodiversity Areas Workshop 4492994
Invited presentations at conferences 2018-02-06 The genomic substrate for adaptive radiation in Lake Tanganyika cichlids  Lausanne Genomics Days 4492993
Invited presentations at conferences 2018-09-25 Understanding adaptive radiation and explosive speciation through cichlid fish genomics  Pan-African Fish and Fisheries (PAFFA) 4492992
Invited presentations at conferences 2018-07-29 Adaptive radiation and explosive speciation in cichlid fishes  Speciation in Ancient Lakes 8 4492991
Invited presentations at conferences 2017-07-18 The genomic substrate for adaptive radiation in Lake Tanganyika cichlids  Gordon Research Conference: Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics 4196471
Invited presentations at conferences 2017-11-24 Evolution in Darwin's Dreamponds: The adaptive radiation of cichlid fishes in East African Lake Tanganyika  International Barcoding of Life Conference 4196454
Mobility: Visiting scientist at ... 2016-08-15 Exploring the diversity of cichlid fishes in Lake Tanganyika  3703474
Mobility: Visiting scientist at ... 2016-07-01 The evolution of reef fish vision  3703472
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2016-06-06 Scientific drilling at Lake Tanganyika, Africa: A transformative record for understanding evolution in isolation and the historical biology of the African continent  3703470
Invited presentations at conferences 2016-07-07 The genomics of adaptive radiation  Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution 3703466
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2015-05-16 Workshop: Genomic tools to study the diversity of cichlid fishes  3380247
Invited presentations at conferences 2015-11-07 Die Buntbarsche Ostafrikas  German Ichthyological Society 3380235
Showing records 1 - 20 (of 24)

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