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Showing records 141 - 152 (of 152)
Type Date Title Description ID
Invited presentations at conferences 2009-03-06 Behandlungsstrategien bei Muskeldystrophien  19. Kongress des Wissenschaftlichen Beirates der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Muskelkranke 83570
Invited presentations at conferences 2009-01-21 Faculty Lunch  Faculty Lunch 83569
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2010-09-06 Molecular and Cell Biology of the Neuromuscular System, 2010  83568
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2008-09-01 Molecular and Cell Biology of the Neuromuscular System, Guarda 2008  83566
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2006-09-05 Chesa Laret Seminar, Sils 2006  83563
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2004-09-08 Chesa Laret Seminar, Sils 2004  83557
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2002-09-03 Chesa Laret Seminar, Sils 2002  83556
Memberships 2002-11-02 Rüegg, Markus A.  Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Versuchstierkunde 83555
Memberships 1987-11-02 Rüegg, Markus A.  USGEB 83553
Memberships 1991-11-02 Rüegg, Markus A.  Society of Neuroscience 83552
Memberships 1997-11-02 Rüegg, Markus A.  Swiss Society of Neuroscience 83550
Awards, honours and prizes 2009-10-13 BioValley Life Sciences Week 2009, Basel  83547
Showing records 141 - 152 (of 152)

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