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Showing records 1 - 20 (of 40)

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4602085  Singer, David; Duckert, Clement; Hedenec, Petr; Lara, Enrique; Hiltbrunner, Erika; Mitchell, Edward A. D. 2020 High-throughput sequencing of litter and moss eDNA reveals a positive correlation between the diversity of Apicomplexa and their invertebrate hosts across alpine habitats SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
4190069  van den Bergh, Thijs; Körner, Christian; Hiltbrunner, Erika 2018 Alnus shrub expansion increases evapotranspiration in the Swiss Alps Regional Environmental Change
4190114  Körner, Christian; Hiltbrunner, Erika 2018 The 90 ways to describe plant temperature Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics
2826003  Hiltbrunner, Erika; Aerts, Rien; Buhlmann, Tobias; Huss-Danell, Kerstin; Magnusson, Borgthor; Myrold, David D.; Reed, Sasha C.; Sigurdsson, Bjarni D.; Korner, Christian 2014 Ecological consequences of the expansion of N2-fixing plants in cold biomes Oecologia
4637496  Hiltbrunner, Erika; Arnaiz, Jonas; Körner, Christian 2021 Biomass allocation and seasonal non-structural carbohydrate dynamics do not explain the success of tall forbs in short alpine grassland Oecologia
2117923  Huck, Corinne; Körner, Christian; Hiltbrunner, Erika 2013 Plant species dominance shifts across erosion edge-meadow transects in the Swiss Alps Oecologia
3329839  De Boeck, Hans J; Bassin, Seraina; Verlinden, Maya; Zeiter, Michaela; Hiltbrunner, Erika 2016 Simulated heat waves affected alpine grassland only in combination with drought New phytologist
4694359  Mohl, Patrick; von Buren, Raphael S.; Hiltbrunner, Erika 2022 Growth of alpine grassland will start and stop earlier under climate warming Nature Communications
2348842  Monteiro, Antonio T.; Fava, Francesco; Hiltbrunner, Erika; Della Marianna, Giampaolo; Bocchi, Stefano 2011 Assessment of land cover changes and spatial drivers behind loss of permanent meadows in the lowlands of Italian Alps Landscape and urban planning
86941  Merz, Andreas; Alewell, Christine; Hiltbrunner, Erika; Baenninger, Dominik 2009 Plant-compositional effects on surface runoff and sediment yield in subalpine grassland Journal of plant nutrition and soil science
2348869  van den Bergh, Thijs; Inauen, Nicole; Hiltbrunner, Erika; Koerner, Christian 2013 Climate and plant cover co-determine the elevational reduction in evapotranspiration in the Swiss Alps Journal of hydrology
2117926  Inauen, Nicole; Koerner, Christian; Hiltbrunner, Erika 2013 Hydrological consequences of declining land use and elevated CO2 in alpine grassland Journal of ecology
4647156  von Buren, Raphael S.; Hiltbrunner, Erika 2022 Low winter temperatures and divergent freezing resistance set the cold range limit of widespread alpine graminoids Journal of Biogeography
4657701  Vorkauf, Maria; Steiger, Robert; Abegg, Bruno; Hiltbrunner, Erika 2022 Snowmaking in a warmer climate: an in-depth analysis of future water demands for the ski resort Andermatt-Sedrun-Disentis (Switzerland) in the twenty-first century International Journal of Biometeorology
1521712  Inauen, Nicole; Körner, Christian; Hiltbrunner, Erika 2012 No growth stimulation by CO2 enrichment in alpine glacier forefield plants Global change biology
4525567  Moehl, Patrick; Hiltbrunner, Erika; Koerner, Christian 2020 Halving sunlight reveals no carbon limitation of aboveground biomass production in alpine grassland Global change biology
102339  Bader, Martin; Hiltbrunner, Erika; Koerner, Christian 2009 Fine root responses of mature deciduous forest trees to free air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) Functional ecology
462256  Patty, L; Halloy, SRP; Hiltbrunner, E; Körner, Ch 2010 Biomass allocation in herbacious plants under grazing impact in the high semi-arid Andes Flora
462250  Monteiro, Jose Alberto Fernandez; Hiltbrunner, Erika; Koerner, Christian 2011 Functional morphology and microclimate of Festuca orthophylla, the dominant tall tussock grass in the Andean Altiplano Flora
4492931  De Boeck, Hans J.; Hiltbrunner, Erika; Verlinden, Maya; Bassin, Seraina; Zeiter, Michaela 2018 Legacy Effects of Climate Extremes in Alpine Grassland FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE
Showing records 1 - 20 (of 40)

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