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Showing records 161 - 171 (of 171)

JournalItem (Kommentare, Editorials, Rezensionen, Urteilsanmerk., etc. in einer wissensch. Zeitschr.

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4390962  Gavalda, Joan; Aguado, Josemaria Maria Mateo; Manuel, Oriol; Grossi, Paulo Antonio; Hirsch, Hans H.; Escmid Study Group of Infection in Compromised Hosts, 2014 A special issue on infections in solid organ transplant recipients Clinical microbiology and infection
4390954  Manuel, Oriol; Lopez-Medrano, Francisco; Keiser, Laurent; Welte, Tobias; Carratala, Jordi; Cordero, Elisa; Hirsch, Hans H.; Escmid Study Group of Infection in Compromised Hosts, 2014 Influenza and other respiratory virus infections in solid organ transplant recipients Clinical microbiology and infection
4390955  Lumbreras, Carlos; Manuel, Oriol; Len, Oscar; ten Berge, Ineke J. M.; Sgarabotto, Dino; Hirsch, Hans H. 2014 Cytomegalovirus infection in solid organ transplant recipients Clinical microbiology and infection
4390951  San-Juan, Rafael; Comoli, P.; Caillard, Sophie; Moulin, Bruno; Hirsch, Hans H.; Meylan, Pascal R. A.; Escmid Study Group of Infection in Compromised Hosts, 2014 Epstein-Barr virus-related post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder in solid organ transplant recipients Clinical microbiology and infection
4390960  Hirsch, Hans H.; Babel, Nina; Comoli, P.; Friman, Vanda; Ginevri, Fabrizio; Jardine, Alan Georg; Lautenschlager, Irmeli T.; Legendre, Christophe M.; Midtvedt, Karsten; Munoz, Patricia E.; Randhawa, Parmjeet; Rinaldo, Christine Hanssen; Wieszek, A.; ESCMID Study Group of Infection in Compromised Hosts (ESGICH), 2014 European perspective on human polyomavirus infection, replication and disease in solid organ transplantation Clinical microbiology and infection
1197656  Funk, Georg A; Hirsch, Hans H 2009 From plasma BK viral load to allograft damage : rule of thumb for estimating the intrarenal cytopathic wear Clinical infectious diseases
4390925  Kirk, A. D.; Malchesky, P. S.; Shapiro, R.; Webber, S. A.; Hirsch, H. H.; Marty, F. M.; Oberbauer, R.; Wekerle, T.; Buhler, L. H.; Labbate, A.; Perry, K.; Wielgus, J. 2016 Introducing The Wiley Transplant Peer Review Network Artif Organs
1198000  Hirsch, Hans H; Hartmann, Anders 2010 Immunotherapy for invasive fungal infections in transplant patients : back to the future? American journal of transplantation
4390956  Lautenschlager, Irmeli T.; Jahnukainen, Timo; Kardas, Piotr; Lohi, J.; Auvinen, Eeva; Mannonen, Laura; Dumoulin, A.; Hirsch, Hans H.; Jalanko, H. 2014 A case of primary JC polyomavirus infection-associated nephropathy American Journal of Transplantation
4390922  Papadimitriou, J. C.; Randhawa, P.; Rinaldo, C. H.; Drachenberg, C. B.; Alexiev, B.; Hirsch, H. H. 2016 BK Polyomavirus Infection and Renourinary Tumorigenesis Am J Transplant
4390918  Sester, M.; Leboeuf, C.; Schmidt, T.; Hirsch, H. H. 2016 The "ABC" of Virus-Specific T Cell Immunity in Solid Organ Transplantation Am J Transplant
Showing records 161 - 171 (of 171)

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