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Showing records 41 - 43 (of 43)

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4639983  Beliaeva, Mariia A.; Leisinger, Florian; Seebeck, Florian P. 2021 In Vitro Reconstitution of a Five-Step Pathway for Bacterial Ergothioneine Catabolism ACS Chemical Biology
4527767  Misson, Laëtitia; Burn, Reto; Vit, Allegra; Hildesheim, Julia; Beliaeva, Mariia A.; Blankenfeldt, Wulf; Seebeck, Florian P. 2018 Inhibition and Regulation of the Ergothioneine Biosynthetic Methyltransferase EgtD ACS Chemical Biology
4657882  Beliaeva, Mariia A.; Atac, Reyhan; Seebeck, Florian P. 2022 Bacterial Degradation of Nτ-Methylhistidine ACS Chemical Biology
Showing records 41 - 43 (of 43)

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