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Showing records 21 - 22 (of 22)

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4610439  Battilana, Fabienne; Steurer, Stefan; Rizzi, Giorgio; Delgado, Ana C.; Tan, Kelly R.; Handschin, Christoph 2020 Exercise-linked improvement in age-associated loss of balance is associated with increased vestibular input to motor neurons Aging Cell

JournalItem (Kommentare, Editorials, Rezensionen, Urteilsanmerk., etc. in einer wissensch. Zeitschr.

ID Author Year Title Publisher
2755575  Lalive, Arnaud L.; Rudolph, Uwe; Lüscher, Christian; Tan, Kelly R. 2011 Is there a way to curb benzodiazepine addiction? Swiss Medical Weekly
Showing records 21 - 22 (of 22)

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