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Showing records 1 - 4 (of 4)
Type Date Title Description ID
Invited presentations at conferences 2019-11-07 Why we need to connect among health social scientists in Switzerland  Platform for Exchange among Swiss Health Social Scientists. A joint colloquium by the Geneva Platform for Social Science and Global Health, GpS2 & Medical Anthropology Switzerland, MAS 4529428
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2014-10-23 Urban Asia and Africa A Discussion with Prof. AbouMaliq Simone  2839780
Mobility: Visiting scientist at ... 2015-04-01 Fellowship  3345523
Mobility: Visiting scientist at ... 2021-09-01 Interprofessionality and Person-Centered Care in Long-Term Residential Care - An Ethnographic Approach  4662018
Showing records 1 - 4 (of 4)

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