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Showing records 1 - 18 (of 18)
Type Date Title Description ID
Invited presentations at conferences 2009-05-15 Vom Verein zur Stiftung  Recht Aktuell: Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Stiftungsrecht 66778
Invited presentations at conferences 2009-10-08 Die gemeinnützige Stiftung als neuer Wirtschaftsfaktor  Liechtensteinischer Stiftungsrechtstag 2009 66783
Invited presentations at conferences 2012-11-09 Governance und Management von Förderstiftungen in Deutschland und in der Schweiz  Hamburger Stiftungsrechtstage 2172882
Invited presentations at conferences 2009-02-16 Corporate Citizenship aus Schweizer Perspektive  Grenzen-Los! 66764
Memberships 2009-01-01 von Schnurbein, Georg  European Research Network on Philanthropy 3387382
Invited presentations at conferences 2009-06-05 Foundations as Honest Brokers between Market, State, and Nonprofits through building Social Capital  EIASM, 7th Workshop on Challenges in Nonprofit Management 66780
Invited presentations at conferences 2009-01-13 Bildung von Sozialkapital durch Stiftungen  CSI Forschungskollegium 66756
Invited presentations at conferences 2009-09-07 Legal Forms of Non Profit Organisations as a Governance Problem: The Case of Switzerland  CNAM Conference on Governance of Civil Society Organisations 66782
Invited presentations at conferences 2009-09-08 The Codification of Nonprofit Governance A Comparative Analysis of Swiss and German Nonprofit Governance Codes  CNAM Conference on Governance of Civil Society Organisations 66781
Invited presentations at conferences 2009-04-20 Das Paradies holt auf: Soziale Investitionen von Stiftungen in der Schweiz  7. NPO-Tag 66765
Showing records 1 - 18 (of 18)

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