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Showing records 141 - 149 (of 149)
Type Date Title Description ID
Invited presentations at conferences 2013-09-10 Living with cavitation: sub-diurnal cycles of xylem cavitation and refilling in pine trees under seasonal drought  43rd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland 2235291
Invited presentations at conferences 2011-09-25 European deciduous tree species are currently filling their thermal niche: implications for climate change projections  12th EEF Congress 996867
Invited presentations at conferences 2013-10-23 Botanisches Forschen im Gebirge - einst, jetzt und in Zukunft  100 Jahre Institut für Botanik, Universität Innsbruck 2337932
Invited presentations at conferences 2017-07-05 The alpha and omega of plant growth  International Conference Society Experiental Biology 4225154
Invited presentations at conferences 2011-06-24 Alpine vegetation under environmental change  Int Veg Science Symposium (IAVS) 984692
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2009-10-21 Climate change and water - what determines terrestrial ecosystem responses and regulates changes and adaptation?  77573
Awards, honours and prizes 2013-06-21 Dr. h.c. University of Innsbruck  2337866
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2013-07-20 Alpine Pflanzen im Wandel: Klima- und Landnutzungsänderungen erforschen  2356607
Awards, honours and prizes 2023-01-06 Gregor-Johann-Mendel-Ehrenmedaille  4660578
Showing records 141 - 149 (of 149)

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