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Showing records 1 - 20 (of 69)

Publication: Book Item (Buchkap., Lexikonartikel, jur. Kommentierung, Beiträge in Sammelbänden etc.)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
2183958  McLennan, Stuart 2013 The Handling of Medical Errors in New Zealand Königshausen & Neumann
3890114  McLennan, Stuart 2016 The Handling of Medical Errors in New Zealand Königshausen & Neumann
1389469  McLennan, Stuart 2012 Accessing justice after an adverse event : an international perspective Lit Verlag.
2616034  McLennan, Stuart 2014 Behandlungsfehler De Gruyter

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4618942  Zimmermann, Bettina Maria; Fiske, Amelia; Prainsack, Barbara; Hangel, Nora; McLennan, Stuart; Buyx, Alena 2021 Early Perceptions of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps in German-Speaking Countries: Comparative Mixed Methods Study Journal of Medical Internet Research
4618944  Zimmermann, Bettina M.; Fiske, Amelia; McLennan, Stuart; Sierawska, Anna; Hangel, Nora; Buyx, Alena 2022 Motivations and Limits for COVID-19 Policy Compliance in Germany and Switzerland International Journal of Health Policy and Management
1274868  Wicker, Sabine; Rabenau, H. F.; Gottschalk, R.; Krause, G.; McLennan, Stuart 2010 Niedrige Influenzaimpfquoten bei Mitarbeitern im Gesundheitswesen: Zeit für einen neuen Ansatz Bundesgesundheitsblatt
2576206  Werding, Martin; McLennan, Stuart R. 2014 International portability of health-cost cover : mobility, Iinsurance, and redistribution CESifo economic studies
3974824  Tyler, Patrick D.; Stone, David J.; Geisler, Benjamin P.; McLennan, Stuart; Celi, Leo Anthony; Rush, Barret 2017 Racial and Geographic Disparities in Interhospital ICU Transfers Critical Care Medicine
2244514  Schmidlin, Esther; Elger, Bernice; McLennan, Stuart 2014 Assisted dying in Switzerland: where does it come from and where is it going? European journal of palliative care
3890116  Pless, Anina; Shaw, David; McLennan, Stuart; Elger, Bernice S. 2017 Nurses' attitudes towards enforced measures to increase influenza vaccination: A qualitative study Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses
3890117  Pless, Anina; McLennan, Stuart; Nicca, Dunja; Shaw, David M.; Elger, Bernice S. 2017 Reasons why nurses decline influenza vaccination: a qualitative study BMC Nursing
1274871  McLennan, Stuart; Wicker, Sabine 2010 Reflections of the influenza vaccination of healthcare workers Vaccine
2576069  McLennan, Stuart; Walker, Simon; Rich, Leigh E. 2014 Should health care providers be forced to apologise after things go wrong? Journal of Bioethical Inquiry
1274873  McLennan, Stuart; Vollweiler, Miriam; Celi, Leo Anthony 2009 How can nurses flu vaccination rates be boosted? Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand
3890120  McLennan, Stuart; Strech, Daniel; Reimann, Swantje 2017 Developments in the Frequency of Ratings and Evaluation Tendencies: A Review of German Physician Rating Websites Journal of Medical Internet Research
3974825  McLennan, Stuart; Strech, Daniel; Meyer, Andrea; Kahrass, Hannes 2017 Public awareness and use of German physician ratings sites: Cross-sectional survey of four north German cities Journal of Medical Internet Research
4486755  McLennan, Stuart; Strech, Daniel; Kahrass, Hannes 2018 Why are so few patients rating their physicians on German physician rating websites? A qualitative study BMC health services research
3401789  McLennan, Stuart; Shaw, David; Leu, Agnes; Elger, Bernice 2015 Professional liability insurance and medical error disclosure Swiss Medical Weekly
4481611  McLennan, Stuart; Shaw, David; Celi, Leo Anthony 2019 The challenge of local consent requirements for global critical care databases Intensive Care Medicine
Showing records 1 - 20 (of 69)

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