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Showing records 1 - 20 (of 110)

Publication: Authored Book (Verfasser eines eigenständigen Buches)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4643092  Harbrecht, Helmut; Multerer, Michael 2022 Algorithmische Mathematik: Graphen, Numerik und Probabilistik Springer Spektrum

Publication: Edited Book (Herausgeber eines eigenständigen Buches)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
2813237  Leugering, G.; Benner, P.; Engell, S.; Griewank, A.; Harbrecht, H.; Hinze, M.; Rannacher, R.; Ulbrich, S. 2014 Trends in PDE constrained optimization Birkhäuser

Publication: Book Item (Buchkap., Lexikonartikel, jur. Kommentierung, Beiträge in Sammelbänden etc.)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
2813231  Harbrecht, Helmut; Tausch, Johannes 2014 On shape optimization with parabolic state equation Birkhäuser
1531872  Harbrecht, Helmut; Peters, Michael; Siebenmorgen, Markus 2013 On multilevel quadrature for elliptic stochastic partial differential equations Springer
3459010  Harbrecht, Helmut; Peters, Michael 2016 Combination technique based second moment analysis for elliptic PDEs on random domains Springer International Publishing
3888776  Harbrecht, Helmut; Peters, Michael 2017 Solution of free boundary problems in the presence of geometric uncertainties De Gruyter
4509015  Harbrecht, Helmut; Moor, Manuela 2019 Wavelet Boundary Element Methods: Adaptivity and Goal-Oriented Error Estimation Springer Nature
2251004  Harbrecht, Helmut 2014 Second moment analysis for Robin boundary value problems on random domains Springer
2460525  Griebel, Michael; Harbrecht, Helmut 2014 On the convergence of the combination technique Springer
1016679  Eppler, Karsten; Harbrecht, Helmut 2012 Shape optimization for free boundary problems : analysis and numerics Springer Basel

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4500046  Zaspel, Peter; Huang, Bing; Harbrecht, Helmut; von Lilienfeld, Anatole O. 2019 Boosting quantum machine learning models with multi-level combination technique: Pople diagrams revisited Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
4491678  Vogt, Marc Eric; Duddeck, Fabian; Harbrecht, Helmut; Stutz, Florian; Wahle, Martin; Zimmermann, Markus 2018 Computing solution-compensation spaces using an enhanced Fourier-Motzkin algorithm Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics
4499677  Harbrecht, Helmut; Zaspel, Peter 2019 On the algebraic construction of sparse multilevel approximations of elliptic tensor product problems Journal of scientific computing
2310323  Harbrecht, Helmut; Wendland, Wolfgang L.; Zorii, Natalia 2014 Riesz minimal energy problems on Ck−1,1-manifolds Mathematische Nachrichten
3611778  Harbrecht, Helmut; Wendland, Wolfgang L.; Zorii, Natalia 2016 Rapid Solution of Minimal Riesz Energy Problems Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
4211073  Harbrecht, Helmut; Wendland, Wolfgang L.; Zorii, Natalia 2018 Minimal energy problems for strongly singular Riesz kernels Mathematical News / Mathematische Nachrichten
3951165  Harbrecht, Helmut; Utzinger, Manuela 2018 On adaptive wavelet boundary element methods Journal of Computational Mathematics
4626755  Harbrecht, Helmut; Tröndle, Dennis; Zimmermann, Markus 2021 Approximating solution spaces as a product of polygons Structural and multidisciplinary optimization
4509277  Harbrecht, Helmut; Tröndle, Dennis; Zimmermann, Markus 2019 A sampling-based optimization algorithm for solution spaces with pair-wise-coupled design variables Structural and multidisciplinary optimization
1531826  Harbrecht, Helmut; Tausch, Johannes 2013 On the numerical solution of a shape optimization problem for the heat equation SIAM journal on scientific computing
Showing records 1 - 20 (of 110)

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