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Showing records 1 - 20 (of 49)

Publication: Book Item (Buchkap., Lexikonartikel, jur. Kommentierung, Beiträge in Sammelbänden etc.)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
167254  Bernèche, S.; Roux, B. 2008 Modeling and simulation of ion channels World Scientific Publishing Ltd

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
57888  Zheng, Lei; Kostrewa, Dirk; Bernèche, Simon; Winkler, Fritz K; Li, Xiao-Dan 2004 The mechanism of ammonia transport based on the crystal structure of AmtB of Escherichia coli Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
3787805  Xu, Yanyan; Seelig, Anna; Bernèche, Simon 2017 Unidirectional Transport Mechanism in an ATP Dependent Exporter ACS Central Science
3329815  Xu, Yanyan; Egido, Estefanía; Li-Blatter, Xiaochun; Müller, Rita; Merino, Gracia; Bernèche, Simon; Seelig, Anna 2015 Allocrite Sensing and Binding by the Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (ABCG2) and P-Glycoprotein (ABCB1) Biochemistry
1829835  Wojtas-Niziurski, Wojciech; Meng, Yilin; Roux, Benoit; Bernèche, Simon 2013 Self-Learning Adaptive Umbrella Sampling Method for the Determination of Free Energy Landscapes in Multiple Dimensions Journal of chemical theory and computation
153848  Wirth, Christophe; Condemine, Guy; Boiteux, Céline; Bernèche, Simon; Schirmer, Tilman; Peneff, Caroline M 2009 NanC crystal structure, a model for outer-membrane channels of the acidic sugar-specific KdgM porin family Journal of molecular biology
1202689  Wang, Shihao; Orabi, Esam A; Baday, Sefer; Bernèche, Simon; Lamoureux, Guillaume 2012 Ammonium Transporters Achieve Charge Transfer by Fragmenting Their Substrate Journal of the American Chemical Society
3775477  Vullo, Sabrina; Bonifacio, Gaetano; Roy, Sophie; Johner, Niklaus; Bernèche, Simon; Kellenberger, Stephan 2017 Conformational dynamics and role of the acidic pocket in ASIC pH-dependent gating Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
2476771  Thomson, Andrew S; Heer, Florian T; Smith, Frank J; Hendron, Eunan; Bernèche, Simon; Rothberg, Brad S 2014 Initial steps of inactivation at the K+ channel selectivity filter Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
3472552  Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics Members, SIB 2016 The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics' resources: focus on curated databases Nucleic acids research
3775475  Starek, Greg; Freites, J. Alfredo; Bernèche, Simon; Tobias, Douglas J. 2017 Gating energetics of a voltage-dependent K(+) channel pore domain Journal of Computational Chemistry
1421827  Silván, Unai; Boiteux, Céline; Sütterlin, Rosmarie; Schroeder, Ulrich; Mannherz, Hans Georg; Jockusch, Brigitte M; Bernèche, Simon; Aebi, Ueli; Schoenenberger, Cora-Ann 2012 An antiparallel actin dimer is associated with the endocytic pathway in mammalian cells Journal of structural biology
3449973  Sauer, Maximilian M; Jakob, Roman P; Eras, Jonathan; Baday, Sefer; Eriş, Deniz; Navarra, Giulio; Bernèche, Simon; Ernst, Beat; Maier, Timm; Glockshuber, Rudi 2016 Catch-bond mechanism of the bacterial adhesin FimH Nature communications
4663253  Roy, Sophie; Johner, Niklaus; Trendafilov, Viktor; Gautschi, Ivan; Bignucolo, Olivier; Molton, Ophélie; Bernèche, Simon; Kellenberger, Stephan 2022 Calcium regulates acid-sensing ion channel 3 activation by competing with protons in the channel pore and at an allosteric binding site Open biology
2229990  Roy, Sophie; Boiteux, Celine; Alijevic, Omar; Liang, Chungwen; Berneche, Simon; Kellenberger, Stephan 2013 Molecular determinants of desensitization in an ENaC/degenerin channel The FASEB journal
749234  Roux, Benoît; Bernèche, Simon; Egwolf, Bernhard; Lev, Bogdan; Noskov, Sergei Y; Rowley, Christopher N; Yu, Haibo 2011 Ion selectivity in channels and transporters Journal of general physiology
57891  Roux, Benoît; Bernèche, Simon 2002 On the potential functions used in molecular dynamics simulations of ion channels Biophysical journal
57884  Roux, Benoît; Allen, Toby; Bernèche, Simon; Im, Wonpil 2004 Theoretical and computational models of biological ion channels Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics
57896  Roux, B; Bernèche, S; Im, W 2000 Ion channels, permeation, and electrostatics : insight into the function of KcsA Biochemistry
3021421  Ramming, Thomas; Okumura, Masaki; Kanemura, Shingo; Baday, Sefer; Birk, Julia; Moes, Suzette; Spiess, Martin; Jenoe, Paul; Berneche, Simon; Inaba, Kenji; Appenzeller-Herzog, Christian 2015 A PDI-catalyzed thiol-disulfide switch regulates the production of hydrogen peroxide by human Ero1 Free radical biology & medicine
Showing records 1 - 20 (of 49)

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